3. Catelyn

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Catelyn was excited to announce the birth of their son when Ned got back but his face paled just a little. He forced a smile on his face as he picked up Robb Stark from her arms. Catelyn tried to kiss him but he took a step back.

'I have news as well.' He nodded back to the carriage and catelyns face pinched. Everly came out with Jon in her arms taking hesitant steps towards them.

'Catelyn... this is Everly, she was a handmaiden to a woman...' Ned grit his teeth as he said it, he hated pretending Everly was no one, she was everything to him. 'This is my son, Jon.' Ned told her and Catelyn glared over at Everly. 'I am claiming Jon as my bastard and Everly has come to assist in his care and learning. The mother... died in child birth.'

"NED HOW COULD YOU!" Catelyn screamed, he was ruining their relationship, their marriage before it even really began. They had their wedding and he was off, his seed filled her and now he was bringing home bastards, claiming them with pretty little things for Ned to shove his cock into.

'You are not in charge here.' Ned said calmly. 'Jon is mine and Everly is to stay. They both are, if I hear you even look at either of them the wrong way...' Ned warned and Catelyn clamped her lips shut. "Come Everly, I will get you and Jon situated.' Ned said a hand on her lower back as he led her inside.

'that went well, right?" Ned mused. Ned picked the next biggest room and the farthest away from Catelyn's. Ned pushed the door open and Everly stepped in he closed it behind her.

"You have two sons.' Everly remarked but ned's lips were on hers again. She smiled into the kiss.

'I love you, I love you so much. I hate that we will only get stolen moments.' Ned told her as he placed a small kiss on Jon's little head.


'Out, out, out,' Ned said hurriedly pulling her hips as she lifted off him his fingers took over where her left off kissing her neck her lips while his fingers worked. A panting breath escaped her lips as her hands dug into his shoulders. He pulled his hand free the evidence of her desire covered him.

'Thanks.' she whispered falling against him.

'Don't thank me, you are going to make me feel like a whore.' ned teased and everly slapped playfully at his chest.

'You know what I'm thanking you for.' she said as he wrapped himself around her.

'I want another baby with you.' Ned whispered

'We can't.' Everly told him

'We could. Jon is only a few years old-'

'Has catelyn been asking for another?' Everly questioned cutting him off.

'I can't stand to be in the same room as her she is either yelling at me or trying to pull my pants off.' ned told her through an exasperated breath.

'Give her another baby to focus on then.' Everly suggested

'No. I don't want her i want you.' Ned told her over and over again. He spent every night in her room leaving in the mornings he would be lord stark and everly would tend to jon and robb.

'Catelyn wants another child-'

'I don't want to have sex with her I don't want to be in her, I don't want to kiss her or touch her. Never again.' Ned told her confidently. Consummating their marriage had been fine at the time but that was before he met Everly and now Everly consumed his every thought, his every heart beat belonged to her.

'That's sweet of you,' everly told him kissing him softly 'but you should give her what she wants. '

'No she doesn't even care about robb she pawns him off on you and the septas. Why give her another child?' Ned reasoned

'I wouldn't mind a little girl i could teach to sew and read. How to properly curtsey and-'

'Then let me put a baby in you. We can try for a girl!' Ned told her

'I love you. If things were different I would want all the children with you. Boys and girls galore.' Everly told him as he wrapped her in his arms.

'Things can be different,' ned reminded her as he rested his chin in the nook of her neck, an arm around her waist she reached back and dragged gentle fingers along his jaw before she held onto his hand.

'You can just close your eyes-'

'Everly. '

'-pretend its me-'

'Everly no.' Ned said sternly.

'-then when you come you can come back here-'

'That could take forever you realize. I'm limp around her. Completely limp. No attraction what so ever.' Ned informed her.

'-and I kiss every inch of you that she touched.' Everly finished and ned pulled back she rolled onto her back an smiled up at him. 'Good reward?' Everly mused

'Mmm.' ned kissed her again. He couldn't not. Everly was the woman for him he loved every single inch of her. Body and mind and soul.

'I just want you.' ned whispered against her lips.

'Fill her up then I take away the feel of her until you don't even remember what she looks like.' Everly rasped in his ear. 'Here,' she placed a kiss on his neck as he lay down next to her. 'Here...' his chest. 'Here perhaps...' she suggested kissing down his stomach his hand in her hair as she got lower. Her tongue traced down under his belly button as she knelt between his legs her fingers toying with his balls as she licked down his shaft placing a kiss on his tip before coming back up to his lips. She felt him harden under her.

'You're a sexy little tease.' Ned remarked wrapping his arms around her.

'Oh I know. Just giving you a taste.' she whispered kissing along his jaw.

'I already forgot what's her face,' ned remarked.

'Fuck her, fill her, pray she falls pregnant and then...' she smirked at him resting her chin on his chest.

'I'm going to need to you to do that again before to help speed things up.' Ned informed her

'Anything I can do to get you back here in our bed.' Everly agreed.

'Fuck Everly,' he grumbled flipping her over. 'What you do to me.' He remarked kissing her again and

again until her lips were numb and tingling.

Bastard // Ned StarkWhere stories live. Discover now