18. Giants

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violettbaby thanks for making me smile in the comment section!


'Jack and the bean stalk... those magical beans grew soo high it touched the clouds.' Everly exclaimed jumping on the bed and reaching up at the ceiling Bran and Rickon smiled up at her as Jon watched from the door as she jumped back down criss cross on the bed. 'So jack had to climb, much like Bran.' Everly remarked. 'he climbed and climbed so high until he got to the top! And do you know what he found at the top of the bean stalk?' Everly questioned and the boys shook their heads. "Jon,' Everly said turning to him. "Do you know?'

"Golden eggs.' Jon recalled and she reached a hand for him and he sat beside her. Everly ran a hand along his back, calming and soothing as she spoke Jon leaned into her.

'Golden eggs.' Everly confirmed. 'so big, so big!" she exclaimed 'that jack could barely carry them. how big do you think they were?"

'This big?' Bran questioned holding out his arms so obviously Rickon made his imaginary egg bigger.

"That looks about right.' Everly confirmed with a laugh. 'But that wasn't all he found he found gold and jewels and giants.'

'Giants?' Rickon questioned.

"You ever find giants when you climb Bran?" everly mused.

"Not yet.' Bran admitted.

"Not yet.' Jon repeated with a chuckle. Everly linked her hand with jons and gave it a kiss keeping his hand hostage but Jon liked it he leaned in closer, everly was the closest thing he had to a mother and didn't mind that she babied him, treated him different from the starks. She still told him stories and kissed him goodnight, Robb and Theon laughed at him but he didn't care he knew that when Every said goodnight to them they wished she kissed them goodnight too.

'The giants were asleep so jack walked on his tip toes around their castle in the sky trying to get as much gold and jewels and those very large eggs. How big were they again?" Everly questioned and the boys held out their arms. 'very good, so Jack crept in so quiet but he woke one of the giants.' Everly told them.

"what happened?'

"The giants got so mad!' Everly told them. 'they called him a thief. Fe, fi, foe, fum,' Everly declared and the boy laughed. 'Say it with me. Fe, fi foe, fum!'

'Fe, fi foe fum!'

'Jon' Everly said kissing his cheek.

'Fe. Fi. Foe. FUM!" Jon declared.

'I smell the blood of an Englishman.' Everly said


'They adore you.' Ned said wrapping his arms around Everly. 'I adore you... you are such a wonderful mother.' He coed in her ear.

'Thank you.' She whispered leaning back into him until she remembered that the royal family was at winterfell. 'Ned are you sure you should be here?'

'What do you mean? You got Benjen hiding under the bed?" Ned teased.

'The royal family is here.' Everly reminded him.


"I don't know what would they think if they saw you leaving our room in the morning or they stumbled into the wrong room in the middle of the night-'

'I don't care what they think and I love you. I want you.' Ned told her. 'I haven't slept apart from you since the war, don't make me start now.'

'I just don't want you to get in trouble.' Everly told him and Ned laughed.

'My love, I am lord of winterfell, Robert asked me to be his hand of the king, what are they going to do?'

Bastard // Ned StarkUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum