16. On your mind

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'Ned! Ned!' Catelyn said running in towards him 'excuse me I need to speak with my husband. Privately.'

'Excuse us Everly,' ned gave her an apologetic smile, letting her go.

'of course, have a good night my Lord.' Everly said turning and walking away, the way Catelyn said husband so possessively as though Everly didn't know, didn't regret keeping Jon a secret, as though she didn't know she was lesser then them, although when they were along Ned made sure that Everly felt like she belonged, like she was queen, not just a tutor. Ned watched her go for a moment before Catelyn pulled him away.

'I just got word from the Erie, from my sister. She said Lord Aryn was murdered by the Lannister's!' she hissed. 'that means that King is in danger!'

'She is a fresh widow Catelyn, she does not know what she's saying.' Ned assured her letting out a huff of a breath.

'Lysa's head would be on a spike right now if the wrong people had found out Ned!' Catelyn exclaimed why wasn't he taking her seriously, why was his mind elsewhere, his eyes drifting around the empty halls. 'Do you think she would risk her life? Her son's life? To risk telling us that her husband was murdered?' This was the longest conversation he had had with his wife in a long time and of course she was screaming at him. He resisted the urge to rub his temple she was already giving him a migraine.

'If this news is true and the Lannister's are conspiring against the throne who but you can protect the king' maester Lyewen said coming up behind them.

'They murdered the last Hand,' catelyn reminded him 'now you wanted to take the job?'

'They traveled a month to ask for Ned Starks help. He is the only one he trusts. He swore the oath.' Lyewen reminded Catelyn.

'He spent half his life fighting in Roberts wars he owes him nothing!' she spat.

'Your father and Brother Road South once on the kings demand.' Ned recalled.

'A different time,' Lyewen reminded him 'a different King.'

'Robert is in danger that means,' Ned said softly thinking it through, "I have to go. I'm the only one who trusts. I'm the only one that can protect him.'


Ned opened Everly's door just as she was lighting a candle, she smiled when she saw him. He closed and barred the door.

'I was wondering when you would get here.' Everly whispered as his lips traced hers.

'sorry, I'm here now.' he whispered. Their bodies felt like a puzzle piece, they fit together perfectly.

'Whats wrong?" Everly questioned as his hand trailed along her spine. 'I know when something is on your mind.'

'You are on my mind.' He told her.

'Something else though... you can tell me, maybe I can help?' Everly suggested rolling over resting her chin on his chest, he ran his hands over her, she looked so angelic. 'Ned,' she whispered bringing a hand up to his face, her touch so feather light. He grabbed her hand pressing a kiss to her knuckles before holding it to his face, leaning into her touch. 'My love whats wrong?' Everly questioned again.

"Robert wants me to go to the capitol and become his hand.' Ned told her quickly.

"Hand of the king...' everly repeated letting it process.

'Yes.' He answered softly.

'Oh,' it was all she could say as her hand fell from his face she rested her cheek on his chest, her hands gently massaging his shoulders. 'what does that mean for me? for Jon?" everly questioned not thinking she wanted the answer but needing to hear it anyways.

'I want you to come with me.' Ned told her. 'I don't want to be apart from you.'

'What of Jon?'

'Benjen told me that Jon spoke of wanting to go to the wall.' Ned admitted and Everly shot up.

'The wall?' Everly shouted and Ned hushed her. 'No, my jon is a good boy, a great boy.' Everly told him. 'he can't go to the wall, the wall is for criminals!'

"Benjen went because he wanted-'

'Jon is not Benjen, I have to speak to him.' Everly said getting up and slipping on her night dress but Ned grabbed her hips pulling her back to him.

'It's late let him sleep.' Ned told her.

"Jon can't go to the wall.' Everly whimpered into him. 'It's not safe.'

'Benjen made it this long and Jon is stronger more skilled than my brother.' Ned assured her.

'that doesn't make me feel any better.' Everly said turning in his arms. 'I would never see him again.' She reminded him burying her face in his neck. 'I don't want to lose him.'

'I could legitimize him.' Ned suggested and Everly stared up at him. 'we tell everyone the truth and Jon could come to the capitol with us.'

'He would hate me.' Everly whispered.


'I lied to him his whole life.' Everly reminded him.

'You lied to keep him safe, protect him. You have been in his life, loved him and cared for him as any good mother would. He loves you, so much.' Ned assured.

'He can't go to the wall Ned.'

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