22. Bran

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But that was the last night of fun and laughs for the next week was filled with tears and sobs the day Bran fell. Everly couldn't process what was happening, she couldn't process but her legs moved of their own accord she dropped before Bran his body lifeless in her arms. Her heart felt heavy as she didn't even know if he was alive. Her mouth moved wordlessly until she was pulled away. pushed back.

'what happened? What's going on? No!' Cat looked between them before dropping to her knees in front of her son. Shoving Everly aside.

'What's with all the shouting?' Robert questioned him and ned were going over logistics of what would happen once ned was Hand.

'Get a maester! Bran needs a maester! What the hell happened!' Ned yelled. He looked to Everly and saw a petrified look on her face as she stared down at Bran.

'My son! My son!' Catelyn screamed at him 'my son needs a measter!'

Catelyn spent hours weeping at her sons side which Everly thought was ridiculous because she didn't spend any time with him when he was awake. Everly tried to visit Bran but Catelyn refused her entry. That killed her. Everly paced and paced nervously, anxiously. Her heart pounding in her chest.

'How is he?' Everly asked as Ned stepped out.

'The maester says he will survive.' Ned told her.


'But he wont have use of his legs.' Ned informed her sadly.

'Oh Ned,' Everly whispered as he hugged her. 'I'm so sorry... could I see him?' Ned just held her tight. 'Lady stark doesn't want me there... I understand... actually I don't.' Everly admitted. "I love Bran, he is more mine than hers and I want to see him.' Everly begged.

"I will get you in.' Ned assured. As the maester came out Everly looked in on Bran laying motionless on the bed, Catelyns glare followed Everly until the door sealed shut again. 'Why don't you go check on Arya and Rickon?' Ned suggested and Everly nodded wordlessly heading off.

Winterfell was beautiful. Until they heard nothing but screams and cries coming from Bran starks room. Catelyn sobbing over her sons bed. Catelyn blamed ned, Catelyn blamed Everly. Why? Ned couldn't find a valid reason for her anger against him. But she yelled and yelled and told him to stay away. That this was his fault. All neds fault. As though Ned hadn't taken in her two bastards and loved them like his own, raised them like his own. As though Catelyn spent any time with Bran, now to be in a tizzy about him.

'How could is this your fault?' Everly questioned finding ned pacing in the halls. He seemed to be doing just as well as herself.

'I dont know. Apparently my entire existence irks her to the point of blaming me for Bran's fall.' Ned informed her. 'Blaming you as well, as though you don't adore Bran. That woman.' Ned sneered.

'She doesn't have anyone to blame so she picked you,' Everly told him 'and me.' she added softly but Everly's entire existence did vex Catelyn, from the first moment she was introduced. Catelyn's hatred only continued and Everly thought that keeping her relationship a secret would prevent her from making an enemy but still Catelyn hated her. That never stopped Everly from loving the children, every last one as though they were hers, like Jon.


'Mother was looking for you. We ride for Kings Landing today.' Joffrey told Tyrion, sandor told a dutiful servant behind Joffrey.

'Before you go you will call upon the Lord and Lady Stark and offer them your deepest sympathies' Tyrion told him

'What good are my sympathies?' Joffrey sneered.

'None but it is expected of you, your absences already been noted.' Tyrion told him.

'The boy means nothing to me and I can't stand the wailing of women-' tyrion slapped him across the face.

'One word and I hit you again' Tyrion threatened. Everly's eyes went wide as she peered around to see Tyrion slapping the prince.

'I'm telling mother!' so Tyrion hit him again

'Go. Tell her, but first you will go to lady and lord stark fall upon your knees in front of them and tell them you are very sorry that you are at their service and all your prayers are with them. Do you understand?' Tyrion instructed.

'You can't!' Joffrey cried out and Tyrion slapped him again

'Do you understand?' Joffrey stormed off.

'The prince is going to remember that little lord.' Sandor remarked.

'I hope he does, if he forgets remind him for me.' Tyrion mused. 'Hello gorgeous.' Tyrion smirked up to her.

'I don't know if that was very smart of very stupid my lord.' Everly told him.

'Listen to her,' Sandor agreed. 'one of these days you are going to lose your head.'

'I am invincible.' Tyrion told them. 'and you are too pretty to be in the north.' Tyrion remarked.

'Good day my lord.' Everly said kindly. 'Sandor,' she said softly as she passed.

'Who was that?" Tyrion questioned. 'She could be a princess.' Tyrion remarked.

'She is out of your league.' Sandor told him. 

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