Jungkook nodded his head, "Sure. Please do explain everything to me. And... later... Please don't let me see Taehyung again." He muttered, speaking the last part of his sentence softly.

"I understand, hyung." Jimin replied despite feeling really sad for Jungkook and Taehyung, "See you later then."


"So... which part will you like to hear it first?" Jimin asked after taking a sip of his coffee, "By the way, nice coffee."

Jungkook smiled, "Thanks." His smile slowly disappeared as he said, "Just tell me whatever I should know."

"Well, then I will start with why Taehyung did not recognised you. You must think he's acting right? That's exactly what I thought too when he first awoke from coma state." Jimin said.


"Yes. After you went to Paris, I rushed back to his mansion. I found out he committed suicide, in the bathroom of his room."

Jungkook let out a gasp after Jimin finished his sentence.

Jimin's eyes turned slight red and teary, "I could never forget how bloody the bathtub water were and how pale Taehyung's face was. Luckily I was back in time, he got saved. But the doctor said he will be in the state of coma for don't know how long. And after a year, he awoke. I was so happy at that time. I felt hope finally can exist in my life but the first question that Taehyung asked me was 'Who am I?'. I thought he was joking, but turned out he's not."

He took a deep breath and continued, "I've asked the doctor about his condition to ensure he's not acting. The doctor said it's normal for a traumatised mental patient to have amnesia after a terrible past. Taehyung choose to abandon his terrible past, not wanting to face them anymore. He's such a coward isn't he?" He chuckled with tears in his eyes, "But when I think deeper, I think this is the best for him. He never had a normal life before and now, he's living in the way he always wanted. He got into a nice collage, no longer under medicine control and no longer a patient with mental illness."

Jimin finished his sentence, realised Jungkook was already crying hard. His shoulder was shaking badly.

"Are you okay, hyung?"

Jungkook took a deep breath, "Please continue, Jimin."

Jimin nodded his head. He lifted up a box beside him and placed it on the table. He pushed it towards Jungkook and opened it.

"Candy wrappings?" Jungkook asked as he took a glance at what's laying inside the box.

"Yes. You can say it's Taehyung most treasured thing in the world, well after you of course." Jimin said.

"I don't understand, Jimin."

"Remember how your biological parents dead? In a car accident right? If I'm not mistaken, you lost your memory at that car accident right?" Jimin asked, raising his eyebrows.

Jungkook nodded his head in return.

"That accident was actually a well planned plan by Taehyung's father. I don't know why Taehyung's father wanted to kill your father, but he did. It isn't a pure accident, hyung." Jimin stated, "Before that accident, you're actually a good friend, the one and only friend of Taehyung."

"Me?" Jungkook asked while pointing at himself, "Why didn't Taehyung tell me about this?"

"No one knows what Taehyung was thinking. He's weird at times, you know." Jimin smiled, "Taehyung's father was a really bad guy. He killed many innocent people and abused Taehyung too. I guess Taehyung didn't tell you about that too?" He asked, earning a nod from Jungkook.

"He got no one to play with, no one was there to comfort him but a little boy did. He's willing to share his candy to Taehyung because he believed that will makes Taehyung better. Taehyung saved up every single candy that was gifted by the boy because those were the only gift he received from others. I see you know who the boy is right?"


"You see, Taehyung never know how candy taste like before the boy appears in his life. For the first time he felt happiness. The treatment he received from his father was nothing to him at first, but after the boy appeared in his life, he could finally tell what pain is, how bitter his life was. He craved for love and care, the boy gave him what he needs. If you're in Taehyung's shoes, what would you do to keep all the love and care by yourself?" Jimin asked.

Jungkook gulped down the lump in his throat, releasing a breath that he doesn't know he was holding for a long period of time, "As crazy as it sounds, I have a sudden thought about locking the boy up to have him by myself."

"That's exactly what Taehyung did to you. You thought that too, what about Taehyung? He is a mental patient, he only wants love and care. So when someone showed him what he wants, he won't hesitate to do anything to keep what he wants." Jimin spoke. He fished out a letter from the pocket of his coat and placed it on top of the candy wrappings.

"This letter is from Taehyung. He told me to give you after you settled down in Paris." Jimin stated, "I'm not saying all of this to make you forgive Taehyung or make you felt pity over him. I just want you to know, there's a reason behind all Taehyung's crazy action."

Jungkook took the letter with his trembling hands. "What about Kim Seokjin? Where's he?" He asked.

"He was caught for using illegal medicines on Taehyung. Taehyung could've recovered if he didn't trust Seokjin with his heart." Jimin claimed, sadness could be seen in his face.

Jungkook's eyes get teary again. "People that he trusted, just betrayed him one by one." He muttered.

Jimin let out a small laugh. "Pathetic, but I'm happy that he's living happily now." He stood up from his seat, "Hyung, I have to leave now. Read or not read that letter, depends on you."

Jungkook nodded his head, didn't lift his head up to face Jimin.

"And don't worry, the doctor said the probability for Taehyung gaining back his memory is, zero." Jimin said before walking out of the cafe.

The bell on the door chimed and the cafe again filled with silence. Jungkook stared at the letter in his hand, mind did a small fight on whether he should read it or not.

At the end, he opened the letter.

Obsession [Taekook] ✓जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें