First Day Apart

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~Two days later~

"Jordan, babe I'm gonna go back to the apartment. You guys will be back in two more days right?"i ask him.

"Yeah, but why are you leaving?" He asks me.

"Paisley's ex was abusing her, and idk I just don't wanna leave her at our apartment alone. Plus she is having her first ultrasound this afternoon and since she doesn't have any family I wanna be there for her. Promise to keep my babies safe, and bring them home in a couple days." I tell him

"No Problem babe." he says while leaning in and kissing me.

I smile at him and then say, "Paisley is coming to get me right now, be good for your parents." I wink at him.

"Oh yeah haha, My mom wants to give us $2,000. I told her that's a lot of money and I'd have to ask Kenz." He tells me.

"Oh, well I guess we could use the money. I feel bad for taking it though." I tell him.

"Don't babe, they love our kids so much. Of course they are gonna do everything they can to make sure the twins are well feed and taken care of" he proclaims.

"Well okay babe." I tell him.

I walk out of our bedroom and set my bag by the door. Jordan tells his parents I'm leaving today, and they ask if I'm alright and after a few questions they say alright. I go over and grab Brielle and give her a bunch of kisses.

"Mommy loves you, yes she does!" I say while making kissy faces at her.

I go over and grab Troye and snuggle him. He's always sleeping, he's mommies sleepy boy.

"Awe my sweet baby boy, mommy loves you too." I say in a calming voice and then kiss him a few times and hand him back to Adam.

~20 minutes later~

"Okay I gotta go now, Paisley is here, bye everyone." I say as Jordan walks me out and on the doorstep he kisses my lips and says I love you. It brings me back to when we were Juniors in Highschool and my mom picked me up from his house. He did the same exact thing, and just like it did a second ago my stomach felt like butterflies.

~2 Hours later~

We are back in L.A. Paisley drives straight to her doctors office. We walk in together and the doctor asks how far along she is.

"3 months pregnant" she responds.

"Are you past the morning sickness yet?" The doctor asks.

"I believe so" she responds.

"Okay let me see" he puts gel on her stomach and looks around on the screen.

"Everything alright?" I ask.

"Yeah, everything looks good. There is a very small baby in there." He tells us.

"When will I be able to find out the Gender?" paisley asks the doctor.

"Next appointment for sure, we will see you back here December 15th. Does that work?" He asks.

"Yeah, it's perfect." Paisley says.

~30 minutes later~

We are back at the apartment. I wanna get some cleaning up done, and laundry done while Jordan and the twins are away.

"Kenzie?" Paisley says.

"Yeah?" I say.

"Will you be my babies godmother and Jordan can be it's god father?" She asks me.

"Of course! Wow, I'm so honored." I tell her.

I remember my sister telling me how she wanted me to be the god parent of her baby. Poor thing never gotta see the world. I miss her so much.

~2 hours later~

Well I haven't accomplished much, I got two loads of laundry done, cleaned Jordan and I's bathroom, and then tidied up the guest bedroom from when Jordan's mom last stayed in there.

I wanna get the twins bedroom cleaned up a little, take out the nasty dirty diaper garbage, and lay out diapers under the change table so when we are changing their diaper we can just reach our hand down a bit and grab a diaper.

Bang! I rush downstairs to see what it was, I find paisley cleaning up a few broken plates.

"Move, get out of here. You're pregnant you like can't do anything." I say pushing her away from the broken glass plates.

I quickly clean all the big pieces of glass off the floor. Then sweep the rest up and dump that. Then sweep away just in case, cause I'll have babies waking around here before I know it.

Paisley and I ordered pizza for dinner. It's really nice having Paisley here. She's basically my bestfriend.

After we finished eating pizza we decided to watch movies, and sleep on the huge couch together. I had a very eventful evening.

After the first movie I step into the Kitchen and call Jordan.

J: Hey babe. How are you?

K: I'm good sweetie, how are the twins?

J: They are good, everything's been good

K: Thank god, it's been hard not being able to see them. I miss them so much.

J: They miss you too. We'll be home again in a few short days. I gotta go, I'll call you tomorrow. I love you babe, bye.

K: Bye babe, I love you too.

With that I hung up.

I went back to the living room, and sat next to Paisley. Half way through the movie I fell asleep.

~End of Chapter 15~

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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