Best Day of My Life

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~A week later~

Jordan had the twins room all ready. Now all we needed was for the twins to be ready. I'm officially 8 months pregnant. I feel huge.

"Jordan wake up, I think I'm really going into labor this time." I shake Jordan awake.

"Good thing I put the car seats in the car yesterday evening." He tells me.

He runs to his moms room to tell her, then he comes back to me and carries me wedding style again to the car.

Once we get to the hospital, he gets nurses and the nurses carry me to a bed. Into a room, and I doctor comes in and tells me I am going into labor this time. This was not a false alarm.

I tell Jordan to call my mom, Paisley, and my older brother. He does so, and I lay in bed waiting for my bundles of joy to arrives.

~6 long hours later~

After painful, painful birth. My daughter, Brielle and my son, Troye were welcomed into the world at 9:52 am. October 25th 2015.

~End of Chapter 11~

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