Naming Day

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I woke up on the couch. Hair all messy. Nose all stuffy. I was sick. I hate getting the cold, and it sucks even more when your pregnant. Jordan covered me up with a blanket some time during the night. He knows I don't like being woken up when I'm sleeping because then I can't fall back to sleep. I sit up on the couch and stretch my back.

"Hey babe, wanna pick out names today?" Jordan asked me from the kitchen.

"Sure, I've been thinking about what we are gonna name them a lot lately." I tell him.

About an hour later, after I've eaten breakfast Jordan and I sit down on the couch with a note book and a pencil. Time to start writing names, and picking which ones we like.

"What names do you like babe?" Jordan asked me.

"Idk let's just brainstorm." I tell him.

About a hour after brainstorming these are the names we came up with.



Jordan loved the idea of having same letter names, but I on the other hand loved the idea of not having same letter names. Jordan liked the name Brielle, and Bailey. I liked the names Natalie and Troye. This was a hard decision, both of us like different names.

Jordan and I come to an agreement on names, but we decided not to share with anyone until the twins are born. My moms been asking me a lot lately what I am naming the twins. I haven't told her yet. Jordan and I want a lot of kids. Which has always been my dream to have a really big family. Jordan's family is really wealthy, and since Jordan is his parents only child he used to be spoiled. Jordan's parents are extremely excited about the twins, since they are their old grandkids, and will be their only grandkids unless we have more children. Which we plan on doing. I just didn't plan on having kids so young.

It was 3am and I woke up to my stomach hurting. I quick pushed Jordan and said I think I'm in labor. Jordan picked up wedding style and carried me to the car outside, once he got in the car he quickly drove to the hospital. Once we got to the hospital, Jordan picked me up again and rushed me inside. The nurses got me a bed and brought me to a room. I was prepared to have my babies now.

~End of Chapter 9~

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