Home sweet home

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After Paisley left I called my boyfriend Jordan to come help me move in my stuff upstairs. Now that I look around this apartment is pretty huge. We have two floors to that me and Paisley share. The downstairs is the kitchen, living room, bathroom, and an empty room. Then if you go up the spiral staircase you come across four doors. Three are bedrooms, two are empty and one is Paisley's. The other door leads to a bathroom. Paisley already said that my baby can have a room as well. My bedroom is the second biggest room in this apartment of course Paisley has the largest room. The room next to my room is saved for when I have my baby.

Jordan arrives with a huge smile on his face, we hug and then he kisses me on the forehead. "I've missed you babe," he tells me. "Awe I've missed you too," I say to him. I walk him to my car, and the trailer attached to the back of my car and ask him to carry some stuff in for me. Of course he agrees and starts hauling boxes into my room upstairs. He even carried bits of my bed and the mattress in and put it together.

When everything was finished and he had all my stuff put where I wanted. We went downstairs and sat on the couch watching something on Netflix that we agreed to watch. "When do we get to figure out if we are having a boy or a girl babe?" he asked me. "I have an appointment in two weeks, by then I'll be four months pregnant and they'll definitely be able to tell us." I replied with a smile. I'm really eager to find out what gender of baby we are having because I've always wanted to be a mom and having Jordan by my side makes it 100% times better.

"I've been thinking, why don't you just come live with me babe. I mean we are gonna be parents in 6 months and don't you think we should live together?" I asked Jordan. " Yeah, I've been thinking the same thing baby. Ill stay here now, if it's okay with your roommate and I'll go get my things tomorrow." He replied. I was so happy, it's like things were falling in place.

Jordan and I have been dating for around 4 years now. We started dating Sophomore year of high school(10th grade) and even before we started dating we were bestfriends. He's been there for me even when my father died two years ago.

The movie ended and with all this moving I was tired. " Jord I'm gonna go to bed. You can come upstairs whenever you want if Paisley, my roommate, comes home just tell her your my boyfriend and I'm sure she'll be okay with it." I told Jordan. He nodded his head and said yeah. I walked up stairs tired from this crazy day and fell asleep.

~End of Chapter 3~

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