One Month Down Many More To Go

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~One week later~

It's official by beautiful babies are a month old. For them being a month old they are extremely healthy and are growing so much everyday.

"Kenz you ready to go?" Jordan yelled up the stairs.

"Yeah, I'll be down in a second..Do you have the twins in their car seats?" I call back.

"Yes I do babe!" He responds.

Today we are going to Jordan's parents house. His dad is back home and has not seen the twins yet in person. He's seen many pictures from Jordan, but we didn't wanna take the twins anywhere their first couple weeks since they are so fragile.

I walk downstairs and I pick up Brielle's car seat and Jordan grabs Troye's car seat and we walk down the stairs and to Jordan's pick up. We strap them in and off we go to Jordan's parents house. Jordan's parents live 2 hours away. Which was really a pain when Jordan and I were dating in Highschool cause we barely saw each other.

~2 hours later~

We drive up in their driveway and outside to greet us is Jordan's mom. She loves being a grandma. At Jordan's parents house the kids have their own room and so do we. Back when Jordan and I were dating I even had my own room. But what used to be my room is now the twins. You can tell Jordan's mom is really excited about having grand babies. Cause she did so much remodeling so that we would come more often.

Jordan puts the car in park and I get out and go to the door behind me and open it and get Brielle out of the car and Jordan grabs Troye. Jordan's mom, Jessa, is already squealing about how excited she is to see them.

"Awe look how precious they are." Jessa says.

"Hey mom, let's get inside and I'll set the Troye down and Kenz will set Brielle down and you and dad can see them while we bring stuff in. Sound good?" Jordan says.

"Sounds wonderful hunny." said Jessa.

We walk into their HUGE house and I set Brielle down right next Troye. Jordan lays down a big blanket. And sets both Brielle and Troye down on their stomachs.

"Have at them mom, they slept the whole way here so they should be very energetic." He tells them.

I smile as Jessa reaches down for Brielle and hands Briella over to Adam, Jordan's father. Then she reaches for Troye and picks him up and sits down on the couch. Once I feel comfortable with my babies being left alone for two seconds I grab Jordan's hand and we walk out to the car to grab our clothes, diaper bags, and other items.

We put all of our stuff in the bedroom that Jordan's parents have made for us. Jordan's parents already have diapers and everything set up in the twins room. They have baby monitors set up for the twins room to our room. I can't thank my parent in laws enough. They do so much for us.

~5 hours later~

It's 7pm at night and it feels really nice not having to tend to the twins every need. Jordan's mom always jumps up to help, and Jordan loves being by his family and showing off our babies.

Jordan's dad, Adam, loves being around the kids too. You can tell our children are gonna spend a lot of afternoons here at Grandma and Grandpa's house.

~End of Chapter 14~

Life of KenzieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя