Chapter 69 - Battle Of The Bands

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They glared back, but after seeing the look on Vaughan's face, they huffed it off, mouths spreading into small smiles.

Vaughan looked at them with utter confusion at first, but quickly shook it off. They're probably just adjusting to a new school.

"Okay then. Well, I hope the three of you enjoy your time here." she smiled.

"I'm sure we will. You wouldn't happen to know where the Headmaster is would you? We'd like to sign up for the Showcase and figure out our classes." The blonde replied.

"Oh, sure I do. Just down the hall, and it's the third door on your left." Vaughan directed.

"Thank you." The blonde haired boy thanked as he walked forward in that direction. Mitso followed behind, dragging Sanato along with them.


The lunch bell rang and within minutes, the room was completely filled with students.

Seeing the huge line up for food, Vaughan decided to wait it out and pick up her lunch later. Instead, she walked passed the rows of tables, finding the one where her band was staying at. Sadly though, Jazz and Blaster had to leave after practice. You know, Autobots have to keep an eye out for Decepticons.

But Spike was present, and Vaughan slipped into the seat next to her cousin.

"So, how did the tour go?" He asked her, eating his mash potatoes with gravy.

"I... don't really know. These guys, there was just something really off about them." Vaughan admitted.

"How off? Like Sheldon Cooper off or Robin Williams off?" Josh asked her, munching on a salad.

"Why not just let her tell us?" Raoul suggested, placing a hand on the boys shoulder.

"What seemed off about them? Did they act strange?" Oto asked, who was seated at the end of the table.

"That's just it! They seemed familiar to me, I can't put my finger on it. They acted so strange around me." Vaughan explained, waving her hands around for effect. Then she sulked, slouching in her seat. "What if someone already told them about the accident?"

"I'm sure that's not it." Andrew assured.

"Ugh... almost everyone in this school is starting to hate me." Vaughan mumbled, her face hitting the table.


"This is it boys, the moment you've been waiting for." Megatron spoke over the com-link.

"Lunch?!" Sanato exclaimed lively.

Dagio groaned, face palming. "No, Sanato. The chance to acquire our true Cybertronian energy."

"Oh, right." The blue haired boy shrugged, Mitso rolling his eyes in annoyance.

"According to Soundwave's latest scan, your voices should be strong enough to make all of those students want something so badly, they'll fight for it." Megatron explained.

"So we're just going to do what we've been doing for the last while now? Stir up trouble and feed off of their energy?" Mitso recalled with scoffed. "Some plan."

"It won't be the same as before. There is Cybertronian energy here in this school. Their energy will give us the power we need to get this entire city, perhaps even the world to do our bidding." Dagio grinned.

"But then we can get lunch after right?" Satanto asked, eyeing a food poster, saliva dripping from his lips. "It's taco Tuesday!" He squealed.

"Just follow my lead." Dagio ordered.

The Future Is The Past (Transformers G1 FanFiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz