part 54- Wish I could turn back time..

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"I am a man of words. I won't quit. We are still on it" Jimin said with a smile.

Hobi was curious but he avoided to ask anything to his really disturbed and exhausted friend.

After changing their clothes both lied down on the bed.

" I know minie, you are angry with me too.. But understand my position too dear. It was not my place to tell you about all this. Trust me, I did everything I could do, to make you aware of truth.

May be I am wrong but my intention were never wrong.. you know that , right?" Hobi asked softly.

Jimin gave him a weak smile and nodded slowly. Hobi's heart shattered in a million pieces, again, after watching the pain in Jimin's beautiful eyes.

" I know Jimin-ah , you don't want to listen to this but trust me Jungkook really loves you "

Jimin didn't reply.

"Ok , now let's sleep." Said hobi and switched off the lights...

Almost half an hour passed still both of them were awake. Jimin shifted in bed a little and hobi switched the night lamp that was kept on side table.

It's very dim yellowish light fell on Jimin's face. Hobi expected him to cry but what he saw was totally dry eyes . Jimin was staring at ceiling with blank face , thinking hard but yet he was Not crying..

Hobi was even more worried because of that.. The Jimin whom he knew , was never afraid to show his emotions.He was like an open book One can read his heart from his face. but Jimin who was now infront of him was either blank faced or angry . Most importantly Jimin loved to talk and this Jimin was quiet.. painfully quiet..

" Jimin-ah?" Hobi called very softly.

" Hmm.." Jimin just hummed.

" Just sleep dear. Your body needs it. We will talk tomorrow.. For now please try to sleep.ok?" Hobi said in a tone like he was talking to a kid.

Jimin nodded and hobi again started to run his hand in Jimin's hair gently.

Jimin was so much tired and exhausted both mentally and physically that after Hobi carresed his hair slowly he fell asleep inspite of his mind's struggled state.. His body just gave up...

Hobi was tired too after whole two days of energy dragging concert and all the chaos that was created on that day so soon he was in a deep slumber too .

Totally Unaware..... Unaware of the Tsunami of tweets , posts, reels those were being shared on social media . #vope was trending the most.

There were allegation being made , how the company wanted to hide Taekook so they were using " vope" as a cover, how BTS wanted to divert attention from plagiarism case, attack on Jimin, #vmin , analysis of member's reaction when V confessed, when hater attacked Jimin , " vope" moments and what not..

But Jimin and Hobi was thankfully and peacefully away from social media so they were having a sound sleep. Until.......

" I know sir but I was totally unaware, what happened was an on the spot reaction of member .. Nothing was planned or fabricated, believe me. That attack on Jimin, provoked Taehyung and rest you know ." RM was talking on the phone with Bang PD while pacing back and forth.

Others were looking at him worriedly.
" Yes, Jimin is safe and he is at home now. Hobi confirmed with me few minutes ago" he added.

"Yes sir, I saw the interview of that spoke person. "

" Ok, I will be there tomorrow."

He cut the call.

" I have a meeting with our lawyer tomorrow morning. Tae you need to come too..Please all of you listen to me carefully.. please stay away from social media and beware of making any interaction with any journalist. No comments should be made from our side. Am I clear? "

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