part 27- self acceptance

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" Am I gay hyung?? Please tell me" Jungkook was on the edge of crying..

On the other hand RM was extremely calm right now..

RM sat exact in front of Jungkook and took his both hand in his own..

He looked straight into Jungkook's eyes and spoke in a soothing and low but calm voice..

" Look Jungkook-ah , I am nobody to decide your sexuality...I can not say whether you are gay or not... That's what you have to decide, you have to explore about yourself..

You are the one who decide what make you happy, what make you feel complete, what kind of relation don't feel forced to you..

What your inner self want, what make you , YOU. It's self realisation..

But what you need most I think is self acceptance.."

" Means what hyung?" Jungkook was confused..

" First tell me , are you afraid of being gay?" RM asked..

It takes few seconds before Jungkook replied..

" Yes" he said softly

" Why is that so"? RM was still speaking in soothing voice..

" Ummm.. because it's bad". - Jk..

" Why it's bad?" - RM , still calm.

" Everyone says so.. how can we get involved romantically with same gender? It's not good" - Jk ..

" So it's bad because everyone says so?" - RM..

" Yes.. noo.., I mean.. I don't know.." Jk was confused now..

" Look Jungkook-ah, what i think is , love is's beyond gender, age, contry, religion, anything..

I am not telling you or suggesting you to get in gay relationship..I am just asking you if you are not accepting yourself, or torchering yourself in fear of what people will say , than its wrong..

Being gay is not at all a thing you should be ashamed of yourself even a bit..

It's not what you choose, it's who you are, your trueself..

And that's perfectly fine..

You know why LGBTQ have rainbow as their symbol, because it means love can happen beyond gender, age, cast, nationality, means love has no boundaries..

Yes, we live in a society where people make fun of anything out of thier mind created boundaries, they lash you out, may be they see you like an alien..

People hate LGBTQ without thinking how hurt they are with different treatment we give them, how we Break their heart just for choosing a different path.

It's mean, it's wrong, it's not at all acceptable for a healthy society..

But do they really matter when comes to take decision about your life?? Think your the end of the day it's about your happiness..

Nobody is gonna come to you and say , oh you are a good boy , inspite of being gay you choose not to be one, so here is the prize, inspite of chance to have your happiness you choose not to have it, so I will take your pain..No.. nobody is gonna do that..

At the end of the day, you are who can make yourself happy or sad ..

Choose what you want , not what society tells you to choose..

People might have to say things, they might make fun , say harsh things, because we live in a world that is not so kind towards who are DIFFERENT FROM MAJORITY..

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