part 51 - U-turn or dead end??

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" where is Jimin? Call him fast.." RM asked to staff.

One girl from staff ran towards the dressing room, finding it empty.

" Hey Lucy, have you seen Jimin oppa?" She asked to the make-up assistant.

" No he left from here 10 minutes ago . Hasn't he reached there? " She asked.

" Nooo.. oh my god! Where should I find him now? It's literally the time of next performance." Saying that she rushed back towards stage .

As soon as she reached there....

She took a breath of relief as Jimin was already there .

Jimin was standing there with expressionless face . But his eyes..His eyes were not at all same. They were definitely telling something..

Performance started and Jimin did his part but something was missing. Opposite to the usual, He was not feeling the song while dancing. He was dancing just.... Mechanically... Without his usual energy level. Everyone thought it could be because of his hard solo performance.

Concert was coming to an end, when during the few last songs Jimin stumbled suddenly and Jungkook was the first one to notice. He ran instantly and caught Jimin before he fell. Jimin looked into his eyes blankly and stood on his feet again.

After that Jungkook never missed to glance at Jimin. As Jungkook was sitting during most of the dance ,it was easier for him to keep an eye on Jimin and he did the same . He wanted to make sure that Jimin was ok.... Which he was clearly NOT. Jimin fell atleast for 4 times during performances. Members were confused as Jimin was falling again and again, it was clear that he was forcing both his body and mind beyond the limits.

Jungkook rushed everytime, every single time, to give him support. Little did he know that his genuine gesture of care was taken wrong, absolutely wrong by some people in audiance. They looked with utter hatred towards Jimin , every time Jungkook approached him.

Concert came to an end somehow and members were giving their acknowledgement speech . Each member poured his heart out in their words , even Jungkook speak all of his heart, not knowing if after the concert by tomorrow, he would be able to do a concert or not? Would HE still exist or not , so he was saying everything he wanted to say to show his gratitude to Army.

But when Jimin's turn came , all he could say was seven words. Just seven .

"Thank you so much Army. Love you".

That's it. Everyone was surprised as Jimin had always been the one who talks to army in his speech in sweetest way possible. Suddenly one person from audiance shouted with a banner in hands,

" Taekook forever".. That took attention of every member as the person was in a very front raw. The hording was having Tae and Jungkook's edited picture of holding hands and kissing. The person shouted at exact time of Jimin's speech. Jimin noticed it too . He smiled and nodded few times. Smile was genuine but he couldn't hide the pain on his face. That person had a satisfied smile after Jimin's reaction .

Tae clearly looked annoyed as well as other members but decided to ignore it.

After speech they proceed to leave the stage and bid good bye to the army.

"Hyung?" Said Jimin as soon as they reached backstage, addressing Hobi .

"Yes Jimin -ah? Are you ok? Everything fine? You didn't talk much today?" Replied hobi worriedly.

" Hmm , I am fine. Hyung, I am really very tired so I am heading to home straight, alone . Is it ok?"

" Yes offcourse Jimin-ah. I understand you worked really hard for your performance since two days . It was indeed energy dragging. But should I drop you? You look exhausted."

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