Snap Back To Reality

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(Louis's Pov)

I open my eyes. I see that I'm in a dark void. water on the ground. I see Carol, We walk towards each other. I look at her.

Louis: Carol...

Carol:...Louis...Long time no see....

Louis: Yeah...i guess it really is...

Carol: Now you know the truth about 1984....How i actually died...what Louise Aprilson is actually like.

I start to begin crying...remembering that one trance.

Louis: Carol...I'm sorry for saying "Louise didn't mean it"....I guess i was just...stupid...

Carol:...Listen your not stupid... is so weird hearing you say that...cause...because..

Carol: Because i possessed you for 3 years?

Louis: Yeah...

Me and Carol both giggle. I look at her.

Louis:...i just have one two...

Carol: I may have an answer...

Louis: Did Fiona ever become like Vladimir? and....

I sigh

Louis: Why did Louise Aprilson Look so much like they were related.

Carol: I guess it goes for me to show you visions that will answer that.

Carol put her hand on my forehead. I see visions of Fiona being the most sweetest person ever since the massacre ended. She never acted like Vladmir or Louise. I even see a vision that answered my second question...oh my god....

Carol takes her hand off my forehead. I see her again.

Louis:....Wow...that was a lot to take in..

Carol:...yeah...i know...

I look at Carol.

Louis: So...Does this mean...that if there was a curse on Falcon Haven and Mount's over now?

Carol nods.

Carol: you broke the curse. You saved Falcon Haven and Mount Claire Louis.

I smile.

Carol:...i should send you back now....your present time has been frozen since i made you into Lib-Lee...

Louis: So Taylor isn't standing there thinking i'm in a trance?

Carol: Nope he's frozen in time

I giggle. I then sigh.

Louis: I know this may seem weird of me to ask but...Carol...can i have a hug?

Carol looked at me, Her eyes lit up with happiness, She smiled. I put my arms out for her. She hugs me tightly. I hug her back, I felt like she needed this hug, after everything she's been through..i think she can be happy now, the curse is gone, she doesn't have to possess children anymore. She can watch Mckenna and Fiona, and of course Her mother, And i guess Louise Aprilson in jail. I pull away from the hug and ruffle Carol's hair. She giggled softly.

Carol:..oh if i guess you ever wanna talk to me again if you miss me...i'll magically put something in your room, come visit me anytime.

Louis: Of course.

Carol: Well you gotta go now, Goodbye Louis.

Louis: Goodbye Carol.

I then see a flash before my eyes. I feel myself transport back to my own body i gasp. i then look at the ouija board in Carol's grave. Suddenly i hear footsteps behind me. Taylor comes next to me.

Taylor: Oh god, Louis are you okay!??! YOUR NOSE! IT'S BLEEDING?!?! OH MY GOD..DID IT NOT WORK..

Taylor goes on being all worried. I missed his cute face, His cute worriedness, His cute british accent, His cute curly and fluffy blonde hair, and his beautiful personality. I smile. I put my hands on his cheeks, pull him in and kiss him. He kisses me back. We both pull away. We both smile.

Louis: It worked dear....i's hard to explain...i'll explain at home.

Taylor: Of course, my lou lou bug.

Louis: my Tay Tay.

I quickly bury Carols grave. I get up with Taylor, we walk back to his van we get in. I look at Mason in the back, sleeping. 

Taylor: She fell asleep, i gave her my sweatshirt as a blanket.

Louis: she looks so peaceful...

As Taylor drives, I hold his hand. It feels good, I've snap back to reality. I can finally be happy, but...first there are a few things i'd like to do first.


Carol (Based on True EventsDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora