The Massacre of 1984 begins.

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(Liberty-Lee's Pov)

I was sitting with Mckenna on the couch, We were home alone. I wasn't paying attention to the TV but Mckenna was, She taps my shoulder.

Mckenna: Sister, Look! LOOK!

I look at the Television. The news was mentioning Carol's death. also mentioned other things.

News reporter: Watch out if you go outside in Mount Claire and falcon haven, Many Teenagers and Kids, Even adults are being brutally murdered day by day. We still do not know who is causing all this...but...Mount Claire Rhode island and Falcon Haven Massachusetts...are having their first...Massacre...stay safe.

I look at Mckenna. She turns the TV off and looks back at me.


Mckenna: This cannot be happening...

Liberty-lee: It is....

If only i could say one thing, if it didn't make me try again. Welcome to Rhode Island and Massachusetts.

Carol (AN AMITYBETH A.R MYERS, ORIGINAL STORY, OLD VERSION)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant