She had to use him...

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(Jayden's Pov)

I walked with The group to the same place we fought Carol. We walk into the house with our flashlights. 

Violet: Mason....go with...

Mason: I'll go with Jayden...

Violet: Okay...

Malina: So I'm going with you?

Violet: Yes Mali, I'm going with you.

Jayden: Alright come on Mas.

Mason Grabbed my hand. I randomly feel my cheeks burn. i's probably nothing. I hold onto Mason's hand.

Jayden: lets go in here.


I could tell Mason was scared, I look at him. He looked nervous and scared. I put my hand gently on his cheek, touching his hair a little. He looks at me, his eyes widened, his cheeks a little red. I take my hand off, i could feel myself blushing.

Jayden: Sorry..

Mason smiled softly. 

Mason: It's okay, that made me feel a little better.

Jayden: good, cause there's nothing really to be scared of.

Mason looked at me, I look back at him making eye contact. I then had a feeling, a feeling i felt like i've had before. Oh my could never love me like i love him...i'll never be like Dyline...or Jamie Mcneil. Mason and I finally break eye contact.

Mason: We should move on...

Jayden: Yeah...

I then hear a familar voice call my name.


Mason: you okay Jayden?

I hear the voice again.

Jayden: Oh my god..DYLINE??!

I run over to where Dyline's voice was.

Mason: Jayden! no wait! that might not be Dyline! it might be Carol!

I continue running. I then see where the voice was. But then the door closes. I look behind me thinking nothing. I then see Dyline. I smile, maybe he wasn't dead! maybe Carol didn't kill him. 

Jayden: Dyline..

Dyline looks at me.

Jayden: Dyline! oh my god your okay!

Dyline:'s been so cold...i couldn't find my way out of here..

Jayden: It's okay...we'll get you home...

Dyline: Can i have hug?

Jayden: of course.

I hug Dyline. I have never felt so much happier in my life. But then...that changed.

Dyline: Jayden...i know you like Mason...

Jayden:...was it that obvious..

Dyline: and for i'm gonna kill you.

I then realized...that wasn't was Carol. I pushed Dyline off me. i fall to the ground. I look up. Dyline was now Carol. I run to the door. trying to open it. Carol got closer. I keep trying to open it. i hit the door with my flash light. then it opened, i run out and slammed the door. I began running, i bump into Mason. Mason falls down with me. As we fall down, my lips accidentally touch his. I picked my head up. 

Jayden: I am so sorry!

Mason: It's okay. 

I get up and help Mason up. I grabbed Mason's hand.

Jayden: I can't believe she used him to scare me....

Mason: She used Dyline...

I nod.

Mason: Thank god were killing her.

i nod again. I held Mason close to me the rest of the time. 

Carol (AN AMITYBETH A.R MYERS, ORIGINAL STORY, OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now