What are the chances!

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(Violet's pov)

We packed bags of weapons. i tied my hair up. Mason took of his glasses. We then got on our bikes and road back to that house. We went in. Me and Jayden told Mason and Dyline about the tunnel we found. We go in and find a hole we need to go down. I helped mason go down, then helped Dyline go down. Jayden looked at me.

Jayden: Ladies first,

I smiled and nod, i go down but then start falling deeper then how deep the hole really was. But then i opened my eyes, i was somewhere i reconized. my dad's attic?!? 

(jayden's pov)

I shook Violet, her eyes were white, something was wrong...

Jayden: Violet! wake up! come on! come on stay with me Vi!

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Jayden: Violet! wake up! come on! come on stay with me Vi!

(Mason's Pov)

Dyline: Mason...is everything okay?

I look up, i couldn't see what was happening. Violet wasn't talking...jayden was constanly saying for her to wake up...oh god....could it be...

Dyline: Mason...what is going on?!?

Mason:...Carol....Violet's...in a trance....

Carol (AN AMITYBETH A.R MYERS, ORIGINAL STORY, OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now