The start of Falcon Haven's curse...

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(Vladimir's pov)

I run and hide My hand and wound dripping a lot of blood, I began to feel dizzy and cold.....and i looked pale...I'm losing a lot of blood...I stand a moment, taking some deep breaths...and kept thinking to myself..

Vlad: Come on Vladimir....You got this...find Juliet...

I run again, but fall, coughing. i felt...light headed...and anxious....I'm losing too much blood...i look at how bloody my wound was...oh god....I was absolutely bleeding to death...No...I can't give up now...I get up, Running, more, I won't stop until i find Juliet again. I know I will never see Isadora and Myles again...but i want to keep them safe...I hide again, Hearing footsteps...I was my father...He looked like he was looking for me...

Lester: Vladimir....i know you hiding here...come out...I know your not a witch..

I felt like i could trust my father...I come out from hiding he looks at me.

Lester: Vladimir oh thank god!

He pulls me in hugging me tightly. 

Lester:...Your still here...they haven't found you...

He pulls away from the hug...looking at me. look...terrible...

He then noticed my cut off hand...

Lester:...Your hand...Vladimir what happened...

Vlad:...father....Juliet is the witch...she cut off my hand...and wants to get rid of me...

My father's eye widen. He looked...enraged.

Lester:...Stay here Vladimir...

I sigh...I was scared...

(Lester's pov)

I walk back into the town, leaving the woods...I wasn't gonna let them hang my son...


Everyone looks at me, including Isadora and Myles..

Lester: I've suspect, That my daughter...Juliet Aprilson...Is the real witch...we haven't seen her all day! and she wasn't there when Celina and Luna died!...SO I SAY WE HANG HER INSTEAD.

Everyone stared, Isadora and Myles look at each other.

Lester: And come on...My son sinned...kissed a guy, and did stuff with him in the woods...but He is not a witch..

Of course..everyone disagrees...and continues to search for Vladimir. Isadora and Myles walk over.

Myles: know Juliet is the witch?

Lester: Yes...Vladimir told me...and listen...if you two love my son...thats okay...I don't care if it's a sin, I've never seen him so happy in his entire life.

Isadora and Myles smile...I had hoped Vladimir was okay...and still hiding..

(Vladimir's pov)

I sit down, feeling dizzy again. This blood loss was really getting to me....I get up slowly, i go to run but then spot Juliet...


Juliet:..No more running, you bastard...

She grips my arm tightly...She brings me back to Falcon Haven and Mount Claire...


Everyone looks. They begin to get everything to hang me ready. I look at Isadora and Myles. I sigh, I look at my sister.

Vlad (whispering): You may have found out how to get rid of me...but one day, you will be known for who you really are...and i will make sure...this town pays...I will become the murderer you want people to think i am...

She just smirks. I then look at everyone.

Vlad: For each and every new Aprilson who is born....a part of me will grow with them...and they will kill many from this forsaken towns! And once...i get all those kills...THE WITCH LIVES ON FOREVER! FOR EACH AND EVERY CENTURY!

Suddenly, I feel myself go up...and then they hang me.

(Isadora's pov)

Me and Myles dig up Vladimir. We look at them..I tear up a bit. Myles looks at me..

Myles: come on my love...we must move them...

I then grab a rock, and take out a sharp object. I carve on the rock..."The witch lives on..". I look at Myles.

Isadora: Grab them...

Myles nods, picking up Vlad's body. I drop the rock in, burying it. We run burying them in one special spot.

Isadora:...We'll miss them...

Myles: so very much...

We bury them, in the place we all decided...we loved each other..I look at Myles. Myles looks at me.

Isadora:...We'll be with him one day..

Myles: of course...

Carol (AN AMITYBETH A.R MYERS, ORIGINAL STORY, OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now