You Always Hurt The One You Love.

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(Louis's pov)

I was holding Taylor's hand, waiting for Mason. I then see Mason walk in. She stares at me.

Louis: you okay Mas?

Mason then walks over to me. Pulling me close to her. I stare in confusion. She then stares at me.

Louis: Mason?

I then feel a sharp pain in my stomach. I look down, Mason had stabbed me. I look at her.

Louis: Mason...

Mason:...i'm sorry...he made me do it.

I fall to the ground. Mason gets down with me, She tries to stab me more. I hold on to her hand keeping her knife away from me. she kept trying hard to stab me.


Mason wasn't listen she kept trying. She ends up cutting my shoulder. I scream in pain. Mason then goes to stab me. But then...a needle gets shot into her neck. She falls asleep. I push her off me. I look at Taylor, who had inject the needle in her.

Taylor:...why did she do that...

Louis:....Vladimir's curse...

Taylor:...i'll tie her up...get you fixed up...then were calling fiona and mckenna.

Louis: Agreed.

Carol (AN AMITYBETH A.R MYERS, ORIGINAL STORY, OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now