burn it.

8 0 0

(Violet's pov)

I take out my gun. I load it with ammo and take the safety mode off. I look around. Where is this bitch, finally we find our way to her lair again. It was dark...and full of hanging bodies. Even Dyline's body. I see it, i realize i never got to apologize for what i said. If I'm being honest Dyline was actually pretty cool. I wish we got a long more. Jayden, Mason, Malina came in and saw.


carol came over.

Carol: So...come to finish me off.

Violet: oh no i came to be kind have a talk, it'd be super cool.

Carol: Oh really?

Jayden: She was being sarcastic.

I then shoot Carol in both her legs. She falls to the ground. Mason stabs her back, Jayden hits her with his bat. I see Pandory running towards Mason. I shoot him, he falls. I see a Carol portraying Dyline going near Jayden. I shoot him too. I then kick Carol in the face. She looks at me.

Carol: i'll come back in a different way! just wait! i'll be your biggest nightmare Violet! I'LL BE YOUR HUGEST.

I shoot Carol, she dies and fades away. I put my gun away. Me, Malina, Jayden and Mason turn around, the board was there. 

Violet: It didnt work...

Mason: what are we gonna do now?!

After that. we were in Jayden's yard. We covered the board in gasoline, we put stick near on top, we put gasoline on those too. I look at Jayden.

Violet: May i borrow you one of your cigarettes and your lighter.

Jayden hands me his cigarette and lighter. i light the cigarette. i put down. the board begins burning. Jayden took a cigarette out and along with his lighter. Mason stared,

Mason: Gross..

Jayden (with a cigarrette in him mouth): Shut up.

I rolled my eyes. I'm glad i had them. I don't know what i'd do with out these two goofs.

Carol (Based on True EventsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum