Louis And Taylor.

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*Slight Nsfw warning*

(Louis's Pov)

I was sitting with Taylor at a restaurant. I couldn't stop staring at how adorable he is. He's so cute when he focuses on stuff, like the menu. Then the waiter had come over.

Waiter: Alright here is your tea, and your dragon fruit lemonade.

He placed Taylor tea next to him and placed my dragon fruit lemonade next to me. 

Waiter: Have we decided what we wanted.

Taylor: I think i'm ready, Lou bug...are you ready?

I look at Taylor blushing. I loved when he called me Lou Bug. I look at the waiter.

Louis: Uh i think i need just a few more minutes.

The waiter nodded. i guess i got distracted by Taylor's good looks. I really wanted to try something different, but i guess i'll go with what i usually go with. Taylor looked at me.

Taylor: So...everytime we go here, you usually get the same lemonade....why?

Louis: Well, i really like dragon fruit. So i tried this and fell in love.

Taylor: Can i try it?

Louis: Yeah sure.

I had expected Taylor to use his straw but he used my straw. Holy hell...his lips...on my straw...i'm never washing my lips after this. Taylor hands me the drink back.

Taylor: It's pretty good.

Louis: Right.

I held my mouth around the straw. This. Was. Amazing.  Later Me and Taylor arrive at his house. We go in his room. We both sit on his bed. My favorite moment finally came. Taylor looked at me. he put his hand on my shoulder, the other on my neck. I smiled, He pulled me in closer. 

Louis: Mmm~

Taylor: did you just moan?

Louis: It slipped out sorry,

Taylor: Well, atleast i know it's working.

I smiled, i look at Taylor making eye contact with him, i slowly go in to kiss him. until theres a bang on the door.

Joan (Taylor's mom): Hey sweetie were home early...in a couple minutes we're coming in to see you.

Taylor: Oh okay....

Taylor's mom left. Taylor looked at me.

Taylor: You need to go before they catch you.

Louis: How?

Taylor: Sneak out my window. 

Louis: Are you crazy?!

Taylor: trust me on it.

Taylor opens his bedroom window. I go out and fall. I didn't get hurt though. I then begin running to my house. i almost kissed Taylor. i feel bad i couldn't stay but oh well.

Carol (AN AMITYBETH A.R MYERS, ORIGINAL STORY, OLD VERSION)Where stories live. Discover now