Next year.

13 1 0

(Violet's pov)

I was  cleaning my schoolbag out, School's out for the summer. It was easier now because my hand wasn't broken anymore. it was in a cast for a while, the doctors said it may not fix. But it did. I finally finish and hang my bag. I leave my room, go outside, and begin walking to the airport. I sit and wait. I didn't bring my phone with me so i had to fidget with my fingers to entertain myself while waiting. Then, he comes out, I look up and see him.

Violet: Mason!

Mason: Violet!

We both hug. I look at him.

Violet: I'm sorry Jayden didn't come...we've barely been talking know..

Mason: I heard about the break up....i'm sorry it happened.

Violet: It's okay...uh...i gotta bring you to my house real quick...and then i gotta go babysit my sister, cause her mom has to go out.

Mason: Got it, i think it's adorable that your doing that.

I smiled and grab Mason's hand. I drop him off at my house. He stays home to unpack, My mom drives me to Malina's house. I listen to music on my phone. Once she drops me off, i cross the street. I enter the apartment building. Two kids come running down the stairs chasing each other, i trip as they come down. I stand up and sigh. I go over to the apartment door, I knock on the door. Eliza, My sister's mom opens the door.

Eliza: Oh your finally here...Hello Violet.

Violet: Hello Eliza,

Eliza: MALINA! Violet's here. 

Eliza looked at me. 

Eliza: She's in her room...if she gets hungry...i'll allow you to cook on the stove.

I nod, she leaves and i come in. I close the door, i go to walk into Malina's room, but The cat gets in my way, i go down on my knees and pet him real quick. 

Violet: "Hello Scooper"

I get back up and go in Malina's room. 

Violet: Hello Malina.

Malina: Hi Violet! Look i got a new doll!

She showed me her new baby doll.

Violet: Very cute.

Malina: I'm getting kind of hungry.

Violet: I can cook you lunch if you want.

Malina: yes please.

I go in the kitchen and start cooking for Malina, she sits at the table patiently. After i cooked i place a plate infront of her. I decide to cook for myself to since i didn't eat lunch yet. I didn't eat breakfast either....i usually do. I take a seat and eat. Malina stops eating for a moment and looked at me.

Malina: Do you believe in ghosts?

Violet: Of course i do.

Carol (Based on True EventsUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum