Special Little Violet

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(Mason's pov)

I was scared out of my mind Violet had fainted. Jayden picked her up, she didn't wake up, people were staring, But Fiona Aprilson was helping, Jayden looked at her.

Jayden: I'm so sorry! she's never fainted...it's just been a rough few weeks.

Fiona: Oh dear...don't worry! it's alright, It happens sometimes!

Jayden: I'll take her home..

Mason: But Jayden...her bike

Jayden: Shit! Shit Shit! Fucking Fuck! How are we gonna get her Bike back.

Fiona: I could bring it back to you kids later, we close early today, so once i close this place i can head over and bring it to you guys.

Jayden: Thank you fiona.

Fiona: Your welcome kids.

Jayden began carrying Violet out the door. I started to follow, but i felt someone grab my shoulder. I look at who it was. it was Fiona. She smiled.

Fiona: Young Man..or..what your gender might be, i don't like to disrespect gender identity and pronouns...uh what's your name?

Mason: Oh uh..Mason Martell...and uh...I don't really know my gender yet....but i just stick to any pronouns...but uh yeah

Fiona: Well, Mason, it was very nice meeting you, and i'd like to give you something.

Fiona grabbed somethings from her desk. It was a book about a lot of things during the falcon haven and Mount claire massacure, An envelope, and a paper with a phone number.

Mason: What's all this for.

Fiona: I feel like i know what's going on and why you guys came to me, So i gave you a book about the massacre that has more info from any true crime books out there, the envolope has some photos if you guys need to make a board for your research, and That phone number is the phone number of Mckenna sherman, She hasn't got a call about what's happening in a very long time...but...this time, she'll be happy to help, just tell her, "i know about the massacre of falcon haven and Mount claire...my name is...."..then say your name...and if you are bring someone say their names, and then tell her..."Coffee....Mindy's cafe....Questions....ASAP...'' Under stand?

Mason: Of course.

Fiona: Tell Violetta and Jayden about this, okay?

Mason: of course!

Fiona: Oh and look on the first page when you get home, theres something special.

I nod and wave goodbye to Fiona Aprilson. I couldn't believe i met one of my idols! But anyway, I finally come out Jayden and Dyline were waiting, i put my stuff in the basket. We then begin to ride back to violet's house. Once we arrive we move the papers and photo of violet, onto a wide bulletin board. Jayden sat on the couch and watched over Violet while me and Dyline set up the board with the extra photos.

(Jayden's Pov)

I sat on the couch, sitting with Violet, her head in my lap. I rubbed her head gently like a sleeping cat. I checked her pulse from time to time, to make sure she was still alive. I had her favorite show on tv to try to help her wake up. Even i though i hate disturbing her sleep, I've tried to wake her up myself, it hasn't worked. But i thought she was cute. her head on my lap, he hair behind her cause it was tied from the yellow ribbon that made a bow on top of her head. She just looked so peaceful. I loved this girl...more then I love myself if I'm being honest, I was in my worst when i had to more when we we're in 2nd grade, we had met 1st grade...she was a new student, she was scared, and nervous. but I was there to help her, I showed her where her cubby was, where her desk was, and then we played at recess. I can still remember her voice when she asked me that same day if I wanted to be her friend. I'll never forget that. but the end of second grade we both had to move. but then 3rd grade, she once again was a new student, and reunited with her. I even remember her whole heartwarming speech when she confessed her crush on me. If i never met her...i wouldn't be so happy, i mean...my dad's terrible and my mom...i have no idea where she is...and Dyline?! dont even get me started on him, they say your twin is usual your best friend, But Dyline...yeah he's my twin brother, i love him, but he's so sexist, ablelist, rude, and homophobic. Mason doesn't see it because he's young, because he's the one who wanted him in the club. But, i didn't mind, i just stick with Violet and Mason. But mostly Violet. I mean Mason is kinda cute. But I'm a loyal and respectful boyfriend, Like say Violet ever comes out as trans, I'll support her and still be her boyfriend, especially cause i'm bisexual! I'll stil ldate violet if she's gay, straight, bi, nonbinary or even transgender! I'll love her for who she is. She's the only member of the group that knows i'm bi, and she supports me, She's my biggest support, I know Mason will support me but...I don't really know when to come out to him, and i feel like he's been questioning something about himself...i think it might be his gender identity...especially with what he said earlier, at the library. But anyway, Violet's a special person in my life...i'd be not myself without her. Finally Violet woke up. She looked at me.

Violet: What...happened...

Jayden: You fainted...

Violet: I did....i don't really remember a bunch...how long was i fainted for?

jayden: you fainted around 11:20...it's 2:30 now so thats...3 hours and 10 minutes...

Violet: That's a lot of hours...

Jayden: Mmm hmm

Violet got up and sat next to me. She noticed her favorite show was on the Tv.

Violet: you still remember my favorite show..

Jayden: Of course i do, what kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't!

Violet smiled, chuckling softly. I put my arm around her shoulder. She rested her head on mine. I kissed her softly on her head. Violet looked at me, I looked back at her, She kissed me softly, i kissed her back.


Violet and i look at mason.


Mason: It got you to stop swaping spit! but i'm serious get your asses over here! We got some research to do! Let's get down to business,

Violet: Language!

Mason: But you and Jayden get to swear!?!

Dyline: He's got a point

Violet just scoffed. Besides the fact the stuff super natural more super natural then ever might happen...we make a pretty sweet team. I mean we're the Super Natural Bois after all.

Carol (Based on True Eventsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن