Chapter Twenty Two

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"Why the fuck-" Paul began, being shoved to the side as you practically flew into his apartment with wild eyes. There were wet trails down your cheek and you were still wearing your sleep shorts and Katya's ratty shirt, you could understand the queens confusion.

After burning through 5 coffees in the Starbucks and 3 packs of cigarettes outside of it, you had decided to stumble into Violet's apartment and cry somewhere a little more private than the coffee shop. (Several people came to ask if you were ok.)

"I can't!" You cried, whipping around to stare at Paul through teary eyes.

His face dropped, and after closing the door, he stepped forward to meet you. "What babe, what can't you do?" He sighed, abandoning his bitchy exterior.

Violet was good at switching the cunt off when she needed to.

"Brian." You sobbed. "I want him- I love him, but-but it's so hard... and-and I just wanna party and let it all go!" The tears wouldn't stop flowing from your eyes and you were so incredibly broken down. You were hiccuping and sniffling messily, and you knew you probably looked terrible, but you couldn't stop.

"Girl-" Paul began in his usual 'no bullshit' tone. You weren't having it.

"No, don't girl me! I just need to go out and get drunk. You can't help me, I need to figure it out for myself." You shuttered, wiping away the tears under your eyes and attempting to centre yourself. "I just had a little freak out. It's ok..." you mumbled, turning away from Paul and stalking over to his couch. You plopped down, sighing shakily.

"You are messed up, bitch." Paul hummed, placing his hand on your shoulder as he approached you. "what are you wearing?"
He whispered cautiously, changing the subject.

For once in the history of your friendship, Paul had listened to you and in some ways, you'd wished he hadn't.

"Well that's your job, isn't it?" You scoffed playfully, sniffling away the remainder of your tears and cracking a half ass smile. Paul groaned, rolling his eyes. "Beat my face mom." You teased. You knew how puffy your eyes must have been, but you just wanted to gloss over your little breakdown and go back to normal.

"Bitch, it looks like I already did. With a brick." He scoffed, earning an immediate squeal of laughter from you as you grinned, pushing Katya to the back of your mind.


Paul grinned, tossing back another shot before slapping his hand down on your knee. "We need to fix you, bitch!" He hummed with wide eyes. You only could let out an obnoxious giggle, completely wasted and high on the pounding music and strobe lights. "I'm serious girlll! I want my friend back! Your stuck to Katya like Trixie- at least Trixie's making money off of her!" Paul slurred, his hand movements all the more exaggerated than usual.

"Oh come onnnn..." you drawled, giggling drunkenly. "It's not that bad- plus we're happy!" You said, attempting a straight face until the minute you saw Paul's expression and the both of you burst into a fit of cackling laughter.

"We both know that's not you, bitch!" Paul scoffed, shaking his head and sipping on his martini.

"Well! Who's fault is that, your-r the one who turned me into a boring, committed, cunt." You sighed, raising your eyebrows and leaning in expectantly as you awaited your friends explanation.

To be honest, you had no idea when your little hangout had turned into a 'screw relationships fuck-fest', but it wasn't helping your commitment crisis one bit.

"Ugh. I fucking hate when your right." Paul whined. "Well- it's not like I expected you to go through with it- I just thought you'd end up fuck buddies and the both of you could get over your little obsessions." He explained as you pulled out a pack of smokes from your pocket, taking a cigarette in your mouth and lighting it. "At least go outside." Paul groaned, looking at you in exaggerated disgust.

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