Part Nineteen

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"I love your style -And I love your attitude!" Brian swooned with wide eyes, holding his hands up beside his face. The three of you fell into a fit of screaming laughter. You knew Trixie and Katya were funny, but damn! With every anecdote you were able to learn something knew about the man you love and one of your friends.

"This, bitch! She really handed you that participation ribbon, slapped you on the ass and sent you on your way!" You teased, still squealing. You had gone from practically vibrating with nerves to just hanging out with your friends and you were glad for it, you wouldn't have lasted.

"For real, girl!" Trixie grinned, shaking his head as all of the laughter calmed down. The queen checked his watch and gave you and Katya both a look that signified the end of the program. "Well. I guess we're done flops. Where can our viewers find your ms (Y/N)?" Trixie spoke, flashing you a smile.

"Well I spend a lot of my time at my boyfriends house and Katya's address is 2-" you began jokingly earning a snort of laughter from both guys before you corrected yourself. "I'm just kidding, I'll charge you for that info. My website is (Y/N) (L/N) management and there you can find all of my social media, as well as the long and winding list of spectacular clients I've worked with, and these bitches names slapped at the end of it just for laughs." You grinned, Brian bursting out in chuckles again and causing Trixie to roll his eyes.

"Bye!" Trixie snapped playfully, leaving about a second for you and Brian to wave before he faded out the camera and played that iconic music. You immediately let out a deep breath of relief as you removed your headphones, boy were you glad that was over.

You felt like you did a good job- well kind of? You didn't know, the video you had done on Trixie's channel had gone well, but of course those crazed bitches liked you when you weren't dating their queen. You had no idea what the fans would think now that you and Katya were in a relationship.

"Thank god that's over..." you groaned, slumping back into your chair as Trixie popped a piece of gum in her mouth and Brian was already- as per usual- reaching into his pocket for a pack of cigarettes.

"Did you have a good time? It wasn't too bad, was it?" Brian chirped, abandoning his cigarettes on the table and settling down to await your response. Though he had gotten comfortable in his chair, you could tell that he was itching for a smoke and completely anxious about your feelings on everything going on.

"Toss me that pack of Marlboros and I'll tell you all about it outside," you hummed, earning a grin from Brian as the both of you stood from your chairs and left Trixie fiddling around on her phone.

Brian led you out to Trixie's balcony and as you took a seat on a patio chair, he plopped down on top of you with his legs draped over yours.

Placing a cigarette in between your lips, you waited as Brian brought the flame up to your lips and lit it for you. After taking the first puff, the smoke was snatched away from you by your boyfriend.

"So? Was it thrilling and exciting and fantastic, Mary?" Katya asked, his head resting on your shoulder and eyes avoiding yours, only proving his nerves.

You sighed, breathing in the smoke Brian puffed out. "It was fun... I always have fun with you guys. I'm just a little nervous to look at twitter tomorrow." You explained. Brian hummed in agreement, sitting up slightly whilst holding the cigarette to your lips for you to take a hardy puff. Your eyebrows creased as you allowed the smoke to trail from you mouth.

"Just stay away from it all, those bitches don't know what their talking about." Brian said, his lips pulling into a tight line and drawing your attention away from his striking eyes. You couldn't pull your gaze away from his plump lips, smoke pillowing from them heavily as he let out a gentle scoff. "Are you seriously checking me out on miss Tracy Mandrels balcony?" He huffed, chuckling lowly.

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