Part Five

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As dinner went on, Brian's commentary only got more preposterous. He seemed like the kind of person who's energy level only skyrocketed with more social interaction, but it was sweet so you didn't mind. He was in the middle of chattering about some movie called Dune, when his phone started to ring and he excused himself from the table.

You say their aimlessly twiddling with you thumbs, completely lost in thought of the queen who had just stepped away. There was a good reason you had wanted to keep yourself away from Brian and you were starting to recall why exactly that was. You knew you would get attached to him and you already were. There was no backing out now though, he was so incredibly sweet and you didn't want to have to ignore his bubbly antics anymore.

"Don't be mad." You heard Brian's voice hum. Causing your head to snap up from your lap, as he slowly slid back into the chair across from you. Your eyebrows immediately furrowed with fake worry.

"Oh god.. did you finally do it? Did you murder someone?" You teased, trying to lighten the mood slightly. However, you already knew there was virtually nothing Brian could do to make your outwardly mad at him. Hopefully at least.

"That was my friend Trixie on the phone and I told her who you were and that you were managing me.." fuck, you knew where this was going. "And she was super excited and asked to come here to see if you could maybe sign her too." He explained nervously.

Brian was not a very confrontational person and you definitely were, but you liked Brian. So, in spite of your usual nature, you took a deep breath and figured flipping out wouldn't be a good idea.

"She better be good at whatever the hell she does because I already took a big risk signing you, whore.." you sighed warningly, bringing the smile back to his face and earning an excited clap from the queen.

"No, it'll be perfect! Trixie's the queen I do 'UNHhhh' with and she like actually is ambitious! I'm sure you've seen her. She's a legend, icon, star after all Mary!" Brian explained, dramatically moaning the name of the pairs show.

You did, of course, know who Trixie Mattel was, but you had a reputation for managing movie stars not drag queens and the respect you had could flip on a dime- Especially- being a woman in the management industry. You couldn't even afford another client having a tantrum on set, let alone getting canceled every other Tuesday. Just as you were about to further question Brian, the other queen appeared at your side, wearing a floral button up and some dark blue jeans.

"Hi! You must be (Y/n). It is so awesome to meet you!" Trixie grinned, reaching out to shake your hand enthusiastically and then pulling a chair up to Brian's side of the table. "I have heard so much about your work, and if I get the chance I am just completely, over the moon to get to work with you!" He spoke, holding his hands up to show his excitement.

Trixie was much more professional than Katya, but the differences between them, was very obviously one of their on screen friendships appeal.

"Nice to meet you. Do you prefer Trixie or..?" You questioned, focusing your attention on Trixie but flicking your eyes back to the excited queen beside him, every few seconds. You really couldn't help but stare at Brian, he was gorgeous.

"Just Trixie's fine! Me and this bone collector beside me are both named Brian so don't confuse yourself." Trixie hummed, earning a hiss of laughter from Brian. "So, as Katya probably told you, I'm looking for new management, and since you already manage one half of our comedic duo, why don't you manage the other." He shrugged nonchalantly.

You had met clients like Trixie before- sure to work themselves to the bone- and you had most definitely seen people use the same persuasion tactics to get you to sign them. But, you really wanted to make Brian happy... and signing Trixie would make Brian really happy...

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