Part Eight

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The morning had been pretty slow until you got the call for a meeting with one of your rather famous clients and had to begin preparing the contracts and so on and so fourth. It wasn't as exciting as finding a last minute New Years gig for a crazy Russian drag queen, but you supposed it was part of the job. You did have something to look forward to though. The Streamy's was that very night and you were more than excited to accompany your favourite pair of drag royalty to the award show. Violet was going to do your makeup and you knew the queen well enough to call the bitch before she forgot and you were in a red, floor length gown with a 'natural' face and you were labeled 'brave' by the media.

"Hey, girl." You hummed into the phone, leaning on your fist as you rested on the counter, waiting for the coffee pot to boil.

"Why are you calling me, bitch." Violet snipped back, earning an immediate snort from your nose. Violet was always like that though, it was a part of your friendship and though anyone else would be offended, it just made you giggle.

"Because I just love your peppy attitude." You teased, Violet snorting even louder than you had previously.

"Cut to the chase." She grunted. You pulled a mug out of the cabinet and set it down on the counter. "I'm a busy woman, I'm not gonna wait around."

"Your still coming over to do my makeup tonight, right?" You hummed, putting out a cup of coffee and before you even let It cool down, you took a sip, slightly burning your tongue in its bitterness.

"Yes. Goodbye." She snipped.

"Oh fuck you." Scoffing, clicking the phone off and rolling your eyes.


You couldn't believe how long this meeting was drawling out for. You needed to be home and getting ready right now and that was all you could even focus on anymore. How long does it take to sign a piece of paper and accept an acting job. That's literally an actors purpose, it's in the name for gods sake. You didn't understand why he had to sit there debating it for a fucking millennium. Nothing on that form could be that interesting that this son of a bitch had to sit there re-reading it for so long. You had peeked over his shoulder multiple times, and there was definitely no naked women on there! Finally, the jackass signed it and left. Grabbing your jacket, you shoved your way out of the building, hailing the first cab you saw and paying much more than you should of for a ride home that probably could've gone faster had you walked. Being late was one of your biggest pet peeves and this was one of the most important nights for people you now considered to be two of your closest friends.

Rushing to get home you burst through your apartment to find Paul sitting on your couch typing harshly on his phone. His eyes snapped up to you and he glared intensely, pulling himself from his seat. "Where have you been, bitch! You have to get ready!" Paul snapped, grabbing your arm and dragging you into your room.

"I'm sorry, shit! My meeting ran long!" You huffed, taking the dress that Paul forcefully shoved into your arms. Hurrying to strip down your work clothes, Paul rushed getting the vanity ready to do your makeup. You couldn't believe you were about to be late for the internets biggest award show and probably hurt Katya's feelings in the process. This was all just such horrible luck. From your irritably thorough client to the traffic, nothing seemed to be going your way yet tonight and you just prayed that Paul could come through with your makeup and you'd make it on time to save the evening. However, there was no idea in your mind to just how good it might get. You pulled the long red dress up and over your body, whipping around, without you even asking, Paul reached over and zipped you up. The fabric tightly hugging your hips, ass and every other curve of your figure.

 The fabric tightly hugging your hips, ass and every other curve of your figure

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