You can't hide. (Screech x Reader Spice)

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For the sake of this scenario to work, Screech is going to be half human (kinda like in the photo) Requested by a different friend that I again, shall not name 😭 anyways enjoy 😜
*Drumrolls and hits the disk*

You enter a dark room, roaming around with your flashlight, you're kinda scared of the dark so you desperately search drawers for batteries to make sure your flashlight stays on. Once you find the door, you see a lock on it. "Oh come on!" You sigh. And what's worse is that it's a room with multiple other rooms and drawers so it'll be harder to find the key. And what's worse is what lurks in the dark... Screech. You were terrified of that thing, sometimes you couldn't hear the little whispers of it. And you just barely catch it before it bites you.

But there was something about it that just makes you confused.. you can't put your finger on it but you ignore it. Looking under beds, in drawers, chairs, every. where. you still couldn't find that key. You were getting very annoyed because you made sure you searched every nook and cranny. You suddenly feel two cold hands on your shoulders and a whisper next to your ear. "psst.." You immediately turn around to look at Screech. Hoping it doesn't bite you, but instead of a bite, you get a smile.

"Looking for something?~.." A pair of bright glowing eyes meet yours, holding up a key, swinging it around. You blankly stare at it. "Yes, I am. May I have it please? so I can get the hell out of here." You cross your arms. "Hmm.. No!" You try to grab the key, but it dodges your little attempt by swinging the key into its' hand. To be honest, you were a little rude about asking, but you didn't care. You wanted to get out of this stupid room that could swallow you alive in the dark. Right as you thought that your flashlight runs out.

"FUCK." You thought to yourself, the only light source now is the very being infront of you, with a smile bigger than ever. You knew it wanted something from you, otherwise it would've just killed you already. "What do you want." You huff, and the creature thinks for a second. "If you can withstand what I'm about to do, I'll give you the key! And you can go on with your day." You nod, telling Screech to go on. "If you can't, you'll be trapped here and I'll have my...ways..."

You are skeptical about it, but you agree because that's probably the only way to get the key. Screech laughs. "We have a deal then! Alright, if you can stay in the dark for 7 minutes without running into me. You can have the key! Here are the rules..."

• You can't hide in closets or under beds. (You can hide behind beds or chairs though)
• You can't use any light sources other than a small lighter.
• All doors are opened, so your chances of Screech finding you are lowered.
• You only have one chance.
• Once the 7 minutes are up you're free!

"All good?" "What happens if you break one of the rules?" "You lose!" "What if you don't catch me?" "I will know if you do or not." The last part made you shudder a little. But you decided to not question it, you quickly dash into a room when the game starts. You hide behind a chair, you put your hood on to keep a low profile and to make sure your features are covered, drawing less attention to you. You can't decide if you want to stay here the entire time or keep changing your area so Screech doesn't find you.

Speaking of it, Screech comes into the room. Looking for you. You immediately cover your mouth and carefully crouch more to hide behind the chair, You can't tell if you're visible or not but you're scared. You hear footsteps getting closer, then suddenly they leave the room. You don't risk coming out just in case if Screech tries to ambush you out of hiding. But you're starting to get nervous because there's no light. You don't want to use up your lighter or draw attention, but you're starting to get overwhelmed and you start seeing things that aren't there.

You couldn't handle it and you flick your lighter on, starting to relax and feel safe by the warm light. But you know it had to go soon, so you flick it off, You get onto your knees and grab onto the chair, peeking your head out. Screech is gone, you feel safe yet worried because you don't know where it is. Then you feel something wrap around your waist. "There you are~" You turn your head to see the one and only, Screech. "How did you-" "I already knew you were in here. You're bad at hiding!" You hear demonic laugher erupt from the being.

You sigh in defeat and get up while pushing Screech over. But you're scared on what is going to happen next.. Suddenly you feel multiple tentacle-like things roam your body. Around your arms, legs, torso, neck, anywhere where they can reach. You stare at Screech in shock while it just smiles, innocently. "YOU BIT-" Your mouth gets covered by one of the tentacles. But you'd be lying if you said you didn't enjoy this.

You feel them tightening around your body, which flusters you even more. You move around uncomfortably, which makes them tighten around you more. Just enough so your blood can flow. "This is only the beginning..." Screech takes a step closer to you, grinning at you. You wiggle around a bit, which makes Screech bind your hands together infront of you. It laughs, and moves close to your face. "Don't think you're getting out of this so soon..."

Holy fuck there's about 1,000 words in this 😨 I hope you guys liked it 🥰

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