Behind you (Seek x Monster Reader! Fluff)

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(This is not an OC!!! This is something I just randomly made up)

Requester: k1tt3n________

  Basically, you're another monster that roams around in the hotel

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Basically, you're another monster that roams around in the hotel. You love to hide in places to scare players that are alone. (Like behind doors, under beds/couches) Or, your favorite: Behind them! This only happens if they're alone. You're kind of like a physical shadow but you aren't at the same time. If the player is caught 3 times then they're basically dead. They can barely see you but just enough to know you're there, and you'll whistle if you're behind them as a warning. If the player doesn't look behind them and stays still then they'll be fine.
You hide under the bed, waiting for the human to come into the room. To find keys, collect coins, bandages, blah blah blah. You found humans very boring yet interesting, their reactions are always intriguing to you. You giggle as you see the door open and the player walk to the drawers next to the bed, right when they stand there, you grab their ankles and slide out!

"Found you!~" You coo with a mischievous grin on your face. Then you realize it's not a mortal.. "Seek?" You question. The tall dark figure looks down at you, confused but also happy to see you. "Why the heck are you here?" You let go of the being's leg and get out from under the bed. "The human got away.. So I decided to walk around a bit to cool down and prepare to chase them for the final time."

Hearing the beautiful demonic voice, (that forever) is stuck in your head. You mentally blush. (Because shadows can't blush) "Hopefully you catch them the second time!" You smile, razor sharp teeth showing. "Thanks.." Seek mumbles while looking away. You think Seek is upset when really it can't stand in your presence without thinking about how cute you are.

You think about ways to cheer Seek up, then and idea pops up in your head. "How about we have a race?" Seek looks at you, confused. "A race?" It questions, tilting its head. "Yes! So you can catch the human next time! The more you run the faster you'll become!" You raise your arms in the air while a stupid grin appears your face. "Please, that's like racing against a spider" Seek looks blankly at you. Your face immediately changes to a dramatic shocked look.

"*dramatic gasp*ARE YOU CALLING ME SLOW???" You dramatically collapse onto the floor, staring at the ground. Seek, on the other hand, already deals with your drama 24/7 so it's used to your dramatic performances. "Fine, let's have a race." it sighs, you instantly stand up with the same dumb grin on your face. "LET'S GO!" You grab Seek's wrist and dash out the door, surprising the unilluminated being.

Once you get to Seek's domain, you stretch a bit while Seek stands there and watches you. "Alright! I get a 3 second head start. Because you 'gotta go fast.' You shrug. While Seek doesn't care at this point. "Okay. 3, 2, 1-" The second Seek says one you dash to the first door. "HEY!" Seek yells and starts chasing after you. You start laughing and dodging objects while Seek is catching up to you. "HOLY SHIT!" You scream, after looking behind you, to see Seek is 5 steps behind you.

You take a sharp turn and laugh like a maniac because you're having the time of your life while Seek is desperately trying to catch you. Before you can reach the last door, you hear a voice right next to you "Behind you~" You turn your head and see the infamous single eye staring right into your eyes. Out of shock, you stop then trip because you didn't stop properly. Before you make out with the wooden floors a pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you up. "Woah there, we wouldn't want you to get hurt now do we?"

You look up behind you to see Seek staring down at you with concern. In your reaction, you become a mess and spew a bunch of nonsense while covering your face from the embarrassment. Seek starts laughing at your state, and pulls you closer, into a hug. You accept your fate and just hug it back. In the end Seek caught the human thanks to your silly little race!

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