"Alright we'll that's a good point Emily, are there any other topics that has been affecting African American history" Almost all the women put their hands up.

* * * * *

"Daddy" I yelled once he got out of the car. He chuckled catching me as I jumped into his arms. It's been so long since I've last seen him. Oreo hopped out the car jumping up on me. I smiled squatting to give him some rubs.

"Hey peanut, I thought we surprise you" I smiled widely as I gave him another hug.

"Are you hungry or have some time to do anything ?"

"Now dad when am I not hungry" he chuckled as we got back in the car. Oreo tried to sit his big ass in my lap but my dad shooed him away. I buckled in as we pulled off.

"How's that roommate of yours" I mentally rolled my eyes thinking of her. I wanted to do a roommate switch. I was trying to work it out to see if there was a way me and honey could live together. I prefer to be in her place more than my own.

"She's not at all what I expected"

"What's she fast or something?" I started laughing as he chuckled. "I'm serious peanut"

"Yeah dad fast as hell, there be different people coming in and out of our apartment."

"Unt unt. So she messy, fast, and what else am I missing" I covered my mouth to keep myself from laughing out loud.

"Dry, talkative, must I go on" he let out a laugh.

"Besides all of that, how's school? Life?" I leaned back in my seat debating on where to start. So much has happened since the last I seen my dad.

"I kind of met someone but I've been avoiding him" my dad turned his face up as he fake sniffled.

"I thought I could handle Giovanni but now another little boy, he better be on his P's and Q's" I smiled shaking my head.

"He is way different than Gio, I promise you"

"Then why you avoiding him" I looked out the window trying to figure out how to answer that. I had no real answer. This was the first time I felt this way about anyone. My feelings for Myles is so much more pure and genuine than my last relationship.

"Part of me is scared, I don't know what to say if we talk"

"Well ky, there is never a point when you're not gonna be scared about a new partner. If he is as genuine as you think he is, I say go for it and talk to him. Tell him why you avoided him" I nodded as I smirked.

"You getting soft on me, old man" he sucked his teeth pushing my shoulder.

"I know you ain't call me old, I'm a sexy 26" I let out a laugh shaking my head.

"So you're 26 every year" he smiled sending a wink my way.

"So you're 26 every year" he smiled sending a wink my way

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