Chapter 50

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Since her and Tom's chat, Cassie couldn't think about anything else other than what Ben's ex had said or done to make him change his mind about wanting a family. It surprised her to know he once wanted one, considering the way he's been acting towards her own pregnancy.

She tried not to think about it when Tom introduced her to more friends and even some family. Ben eventually took over that part. He introduced her to his aunts, uncles, sister, nieces, nephews, godchildren, everyone! They were all very welcoming and kind, which was something she wasn't expecting since Wanda and Tim obviously didn't approve.

Ben didn't leave her side for the remainder of the evening, even when Tom came back to steal her away once again.

"Actually, Tom, I wanted to take her and speak to mum and dad," Ben said as he put his arm around her waist. She immediately tensed up and he could feel it. "Just for a moment. We'll be back in a bit."

Right before they could walk inside, she stopped him. "Ben, we're here for two weeks. Why don't we give them some space and time to mull this over?"

He took her hand and gave her a small smile. "Come on." He gently continued to pull her along as she made a sad and miserable face.

They stepped inside and went into the kitchen where his parents were quietly talking.

"What are you two doing in here?" Ben asked. "Everyone's missing you out there."

Wanda simply turned towards the counter and pretended like she was busying herself with something. Tim gave his son a small smile. "We're just talking, Ben, that's all. Is there anything the two of you need?"

Ben looked to Cassie's panicked eyes, but only gave a comforting smile. He squeezed her hand like he was nervous, causing her to now be confused. As he kept his eyes on her he said, "Mum, dad...I love this woman."

Tim stood watching this as Wanda slowly turned to look at them.

Still looking at Cassie, Ben continued; "I know you think she's too young. I know you think it is wrong because she was my student. However, she has stolen my heart in ways I cannot begin to explain. I am also so, so proud to tell you both that she is carrying our child."

Wanda dropped whatever she was pretending to use and spun around to face them. The look of shock on her face made Ben want to laugh. Tim, on the other hand, looked pleased as he could be.

Cassie looked nearly as shocked as Wanda, as she was certainly not expecting this. She wanted to be mad at him for it, but couldn't bring herself to be. He said he was proud, but what mattered is if he actually was. The look in his eyes told her he was.

"Ben, my boy," Tim said with a smile. "Congratulations, son." He pulled Ben into a proud, fatherly hug. He then went up to Cassie, who wasn't sure what to expect. "Congratulations to you, my dear. I am so looking forward to getting to know you better."

He gave Cassie a kiss on the cheek that she blushed at. "Thank you, Tim," she said with a genuine smile.

He gave her an assuring wink, then turned to his wife. "Wanda, come and congratulate the kids."

Wanda made her way over, the look of shock still slightly on her face. "There's only one child here as far as I'm concerned. I...I truly do not know what to say. You are correct, Ben, I think she is far too young. I do not approve that she was your student. I'm assuming she knows you make quite a bit of money..."

"Mum," Ben sighed.

"Wanda, stop this," Tim gently scolded.

She ignored them and continued as she looked at a frightened Cassie; "You are so young with your life ahead of you. Why are you here? Why are you with my son, carrying his child and in our house?"

Ben was about to argue, but Cassie stopped him. She looked to Wanda. "I understand. Truly, I do. I'm sorry you think I'm a gold digger and I'm sorry that you think I'm not good enough to be with your son, let alone be the mother to his own son. You're right, I'm not good enough for him."

This caught Wanda by surprise.

"I'm not good enough for him and I know that. The really shitty part about all of this, is that I am madly in love with him when I shouldn't be." Tim and Wanda both turned curious as Ben turned nervous. "The amount of times he has broken my heart in the past year is something any sane girl would see as red flags. We fell in love in Mexico and he left without a goodbye. I found out I was pregnant and he was unreasonably angry."

Tim and Wanda looked to Ben. They did not seem very pleased.

Cassie continued, "But despite that and the hiccups we've had, I do still love him. I think if I were any of the things you thought I was, Ben would be smart enough to push that out of his life. At least, I hope he would be."

That actually got a small laugh from Wanda.

Ben finished with wrapping his arm around Cassie and gently pulling her close. "I would, mum, you know that." He then turned to Cassie. "I haven't been the most attentive or dedicated boyfriend this week, but I am changing that starting right this moment. Cassie, I am deeply sorry for what I've said and what I've put you through. I want you to know that I am set on you and I am set on our son. I don't know what the future holds, but I will be right by your side every step of the way. You've been my guardian angel...and it's now time that I am your's."

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