Chapter 41

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"Ughhhh fuuuuuck..."

Cassie rolled over on her back and let out a whine as the harsh morning light pierced through her eyelids. She felt a weight shift beside her and a large hand go across her bare belly. She didn't even realize she was naked!

"Morning," Ben's rough voice said into her ear. She only groaned in response. "There's water on your nightstand and some pain killers."

He watched in amusement as she slapped her hand down onto her nightstand and felt around for the glass, and then pills without opening her eyes. She tilted her head up, popped in the pills and practically chugged the water.

She let the glass fall onto the carpeted floor, then covered her head with the duvet. "Kill me," she mumbled.

Ben chuckled, then got under the covers with her. He watched as she painfully opened her eyes and looked over at him. He wiped some of the eye crust from the corner of her eyes. "Now, why would I do that? You may be a brat at times, but not enough to warrant your death."

That got her to laugh, but then she cried from the pain. She then looked down at herself. "You got me naked?"

He lightly shook his head. "No, you did. You were quite insistent on having sex last night, even on your period. I told you no because you were too drunk, you complained, and then fell asleep."

Remembering she even had a period caused her to look down at her white sheets in panic. She found a towel instead. "Figured you would be pissed if you ruined your sheets, so I put that under you."

She rolled herself to her side to face him. "I don't deserve you," she told him. "Thank you. Really, I mean it. Thank you for letting me go to that party and taking care of me."

He ran her askew short hair through his fingers. It was covering his fingers now, meaning it was getting long. "Of course, my darling. I'll never tell you that you can't do something. Besides, I knew dating someone in their twenties would come with wild parties. I was your age once, believe it or not."

She laughed just enough to not feel the pain in her head. "Really?" She sarcastically asked. "Couldn't have fooled me."

He tickled her for that once, getting a squeal and laughter from her. He then pulled her into his arms and gave her a deep kiss. She hummed into his mouth as he ran his hands all over her body.

"You know," he said against her lips once he pulled away, "I really am not opposed to sex while on your period. I just didn't want to take advantage of you."

He let her position herself until their crotches were parallel to each other. He was already hard from his morning wood, but also seeing her naked body on top of him like this. Her breasts pressed against his bare chest weren't helping either.

"Such a gentleman," she smiled. "I give you full permission to stop being one right this second."


After a rejuvenating shower - much needed after last night and the messy sex that ensued this morning - Cassie got properly dressed and went into the living room. Katie was sitting up and looking miserable. She, too, had downed her water and pain killers.

"God," she groaned as she held her head. "You know, your effort to not be loud when having sex fails, but I'm glad because that means my best friend is getting properly railed."

Ben had just come out as she said that and stopped in his tracks. "Oh, hey, Benny boy," Katie greeted. "I was just telling Cass—."

"Yes, I heard, thank you. I suppose thank you for compliment, as well."

He made both of them breakfast before Katie could take off for the day. They spoke about what they remembered from last night and agreed things got foggy after the first keg stand they did. They also vaguely remembered something about Casey.

"He showed up apparently," Ben spitefully said, "and you weren't going to tell me."

Katie took that as her cue and left, despite Cassie's pleading looks not to. Once her and Ben were alone, he scoffed, "I can't believe you were going to keep that from me."

Cassie bit her bottom lip and shrugged. "Sorry. I can't control what drunk me says or thinks. I'm sure I thought you would just worry and end up coming over to beat up Casey. I'm positive I didn't want to ruin anyone's night over something that wasn't a big deal. Besides, we locked ourselves in a bedroom...or was it the bathroom?"

She really tried to think hard about that one.

"Still," he sighed, "I would like to know if he's in your vicinity. I only want to protect you."

"Because I can't protect myself?"

"No, that's...that's not what I'm saying. I love you, I'm your boyfriend and it's my job. If you are around a threat or are threatened, I would at least like to know about it. I promise, I won't go full-on Hulk if you don't need me to."

He gave her a smirk that she just rolled her eyes at. "I'm not apologizing," she mumbled.

He went over to her and kissed her head. "I'm not telling you to. Just keep me in the loop of what goes on in that funny head of your's. Brat."

She giggled at that and he joined in. He then placed a sweet kiss on her lips.

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