Chapter 9

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The moment she felt a large, strong hand go across her stomach, Cassie remembered why she was in such a soft, quiet room. She smiled a bit as she stretched out and turned her body around. Ben was already awake, just laying next to her with a small smile on his lips.

"Morning," he said, his voice rough from sleep.

"Good morning, Professor," she teased.

He groaned and pulled her closer to him. "Must you tease me like that? Makes me want to take you right here and now." He squeezed her naked butt and laughed as she giggled.

"So you have a moral code on not sleeping with students, but you like to pretend that you are?" She asked. "I'm not judging, only curious."

He ran his fingers through her short hair and commented, "I never told you how much I like your hair. It's different." After a few moments of playing with it, he told her, "If I'm being honest, you are the first person I've told to call me that. You're around the age of my students and I guess I wanted to see what it might be like."

She nervously twirled her finger around his bare chest as she asked, "And what was it like?"

He smirked and told her, "Fucking brilliant. Still wouldn't sleep with any of them, but you'll make do." His smirk got cockier, making her lightly smack his chest and laugh. "What are you up to today? More adventures with your friends?"

She shook her head as she told him, "Not as far as I know. I think we decided to do our own things until our last few days together. We're jam packed our last week, we just had to book jet skiing yesterday since it was the only day left."

He hummed in thought as he took in her words. "Would you like to spend today with me? Maybe tomorrow as well since it will be my last night? Only if you don't have plans, of course."

He was too sweet for his own good, she couldn't handle it! She also took some comfort in knowing he would be gone soon and wouldn't have to see him around the next week and a half. It's not that she didn't like him, but it's that she was liking him too much for only meeting less than two days ago. Being with him today and tomorrow couldn't possibly hurt.

"I would love to," she told him. "What would you like to do? Well, hold on, what haven't you done yet? Besides swim with tortured Dolphins and read a boring book on your balcony I mean?"

"Why, you little," he said as he laughed and tickled her ruthlessly. She squealed and tried to get up, but he held onto her tighter. He stopped his tickling and instead said into her ear, "I could think of all sorts of things I haven't you, anyways."

She lightly elbowed his ribs, causing him to laugh. "Oi, don't make me punish you," he teased.

She had to let go of a long moan she's been holding in since looking at him this morning. "Let's take a walk around the resort, then," she said, purposefully changing subjects. As much as she wants him to fuck her again, she needs some fresh air. "Better yet, let's go to the pool."

He thought for a moment and told her, "Alright. But only if you wear that two piece from yesterday." So he did check her out, he was just very sly about it. The thought made her smile.

"Deal. This does mean I have to make it back to my room, you realize?"

He squeezed her more to him and said, "Never mind, no pool." She whacked his chest as he laughed, "Fine, fine! Meet me down there in half an hour?"

Her answer was giving him a kiss before getting up and collecting her clothes. She threw her panties to him as she left in her dress.

She entered her's and Katie's room with a smile plastered on her face. Katie was passed out cold in bed still, making Cassie thankful. She didn't need to be bombarded with questions as to why she didn't come back last night.

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