Chapter 48

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As upset with Ben as Cassie was, she didn't realize she had taken Ben's hand as they drove to his parents' house. She was so nervous she could feel butterflies float around in her stomach. Ben saw her put her hand on her stomach from the corner of his eye.

"Is everything okay?" He asked.

She let out a shaky breath, then realized she was squeezing onto his hand. She let it go as she mumbled a "sorry". He rolled his eyes and took her hand back.

"Christ, Cass, you're acting like we're divorced or something. I am still your boyfriend, you know. Until you say otherwise."

"Yeah, well, thought about that long and hard the last few days, hun." Her voice was spiteful and it actually hurt him to hear her say that.

"You don't mean that," he chuckled nervously. "Right? You don't, right?"

She didn't give him an answer. He squeezed her hand. "Baby, you don't mean that," he said. "I know I've been a fucking arsehole. How hard did you think about it, though?" He was anxious to know. He wanted to know if he should be worried.

"Very, very, hard. And why wouldn't I? You couldn't give a damn about this baby, yet you're making me keep it."

He scoffed, "I am not making you! You know what, if you want to get an abortion, be my fucking guest. Just don't come to me when you regret it."

She hit him in the arm for that one. "Fuck you! You think just because you got me a ginger tea that this would all blow over? What in the hell is our child supposed to think, knowing you never wanted them in the first place!? Why are you forcing yourself to be with me, to stick around!?"

He slammed the breaks on the car, causing traffic behind him to do the same, and turned his full body towards her. "I am not forcing anything!" He shouted. "I want to be with you, goddammit, child or no child! At the moment, no, I don't want them! Just give me a few fucking days to figure it the fuck out! Christ!"

He slammed the pedal to the floor making them jerk forward at an alarming speed. They maintained that speed with Cassie nearly begging him to slow down. "Ben, you're either going to kill us or you're going to get pulled over!"

The next sound he heard were police sirens.

"Fuck!" He slammed his hand down on the steering wheel and sharply pulled over. When he parked, he got out his license and registration for the rental. Cassie sat with her arms crossed and fighting back an "I told you so".

The officer came up to the window as Ben rolled it down.

"What seems to be the problem, Officer?"

Cassie couldn't help the scoffed laugh that came from her mouth. Ben gave her a sharp glare.

"Sir, you were going twenty miles over the speed limit," the Officer told him. "Are you really going to sit there and tell me you didn't notice?"

Ben kept quiet.

"Actually, Officer," Cassie said, leaning over Ben to look at him through the window, "I'm pregnant and he was just so worried because I'm having pains in my stomach. He's just trying to get us to the hospital to make sure the baby is okay."

Ben was looking at her with the most confused expression.

The Officer clicked his tongue as he looked between them. Ben had turned back to him at this point, acting like what she just said is true.

He clicked his tongue one more time.

"Alright," he finally said. "Better get on. Just ask my wife, those pains are no joke. And slow down."

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