Chapter 27

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The brisk walk to her apartment was actually not nearly as bad as she thought it would be. They more strolled than walked, but had some nice conversation as they did. There were no mentions of Mexico, just a little more getting to know.

"What are your plans for the winter break?" He asked at one point.

She shook her head as she told him, "Nothing. My parents are going on a cruise in Florida and they won't be back until the day after New Year's. Katie, Mads and Breck are flying home. I'll just be baking and watching Christmas movies."

He chuckled as he said, "Hey, that doesn't sound half bad. Do you like to bake often?" He winced at the question. It sounded so pathetic to his ears.

"Mostly around the holidays. I'm used to baking for a lot of people so I'll have to cut the ingredients in half. Don't need to come into the new year twenty pounds heavier."

They both laughed a bit. "Yet you'd still look every bit as beautiful," he quietly said.

She looked to him and he only gave her a soft smile. They walked in silence the rest of the way. "This is me," she said as they approached the building. "Thanks for walking me. You really didn't have to, but I'm glad you did."

He opened his mouth to say something, but stopped himself and stared at her instead. He walked her back until they were in between her building and the market next to it. He then cautiously put his hand up to her face. Her breath hitched in her throat the moment his fingers brushed against her skin. She closed her eyes and remembered how it made her feel all those months ago.

She really fucking missed him.

With her eyes still closed, she could feel his breath against her lips. She could feel his breath shaking with nerves, but his hand was steady on her skin. His nose brushed gently against hers. She opened her eyes when their foreheads met.

Those eyes that reminded her of the ocean, that brought back so many lovely memories were boring into her own. His other hand moved up to go into her freshly trimmed hair. He chuckled softly as he ran his hand through what was left of it.

"I still really like your hair," he told her before bringing her in for a kiss.

She allowed herself to be kissed by the man she dreamt of every night. The man that left her hurting in Mexico. The man she loved and there was no way in hell she was getting over it. She wants to be mad, wants to shove him away and tell him to never speak to her again.

The part of her that yearned for him in order for her to breathe was already taking over. She was kissing him back with so much enthusiasm, he let out a groan and matched it. She had her hand in his hair, the other around his waist.

His hands had delved down to her hips to hold her as close as possible. They made out hotly for a few minutes, attempting to get out that pent up desire, then ended in soft, tender kisses. He cradled her face, then pulled them away after one more.

"Christ," he panted. "What have I always said? You're going to kill me." They stared at each other for a moment longer before he quietly said, "I missed you."

She shook her head with a smile. "What happened to your 'strict moral code', Professor?"

He let out a growl from his throat. "Didn't I tell you not to call me that? I know about my damn code, I just couldn't go any longer without doing something." He kissed her again.

"You should come up," she breathed out when he pulled away.

He gave her a sad look with an apologetic smile. "I want nothing more, darling, truly. I've broken enough rules tonight, don't you think?"

She took a hold of jacket and pulled him a little closer. "Not nearly enough," she told him. "Please don't leave me again."

"You have my word," he immediately responded. "I will not leave you as I did before, but I can't go up with you."

She whined and it made him darkly chuckle. "Why not?" She asked.

"Because then I won't be coming back down until the morning. I need to maintain some sort of code here."

She backed away from him, making him whine in protest. She was giving him a teasing smile. "Fine," she casually told him, "good luck with that."

He threw his head down after she added some sway to her hips. This was going to be a grueling wait...for the both of them. 

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