Chapter 40

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"Get ready to want to mount your girl in three...two...!"

Ben had his eyes closed, chair facing the hallway entry per Katie's request. Well, order is more like it. She came out in a dress that made Ben's eyes nearly pop out of his head and told him to get in this position and to keep his eyes closed.

He prayed Cassie didn't have an outfit like Katie's on. He wouldn't tell her to change, wouldn't scold her, but he would worry. Ever since that night with Casey, he couldn't help how overprotective he could get.

He opened his eyes once he heard the clicking of heels stop in front of him. He opened his eyes slowly, but once his blurred vision got sight of her exposed thighs in a short red dress, his they flung open. He looked up at her with his jaw slacked.

Her dress certainly was short - though not as short as Katie's, thank goodness - but he was definitely going to worry. Of course, he wasn't going to tell her that.

"My God," he said as he ran his hands from her calves, up to the outside of her thighs. He was practically drooling over her. The way her makeup was done, even her short hair was styled in a way that was driving him insane.

She was a littler nervous, however, wondering his true thoughts on it. She promised him nothing too slutty, but she felt like she surpassed that and was afraid he would disapprove. "It's not too much?" She asked. He could hear the nerves in her voice.

He slowly stood, his hands never leaving her thighs and eyes never leaving her's. Her heels made him near his height.

"You, my girl, look positively stunning. No, it is not too much. Although, Katie was right I do want to mount you." He was delighted to see a relieved smile and laugh come from her. "Are you ready to go?"

They were out the door in a few minutes and Ben followed Cassie and Katie's mixed directions to Breck's apartment.

"It's a right on Harlow!"

"No it's left on Sage!"

Ben had to keep his temper in check, but could only do it for so long. "Alright, both of you, stop!" He impatiently shouted. Both girls went immediately quiet. "Cassie, send me his address now." She quickly typed it in and sent it to him. He put it in his GPS.

Once it loaded, he said, "It's a right on Harlow."

That immediately got a "ha!" From Cassie, but an immediate stern glare from Ben. She closed dropped her smile and gulped. He made the right, then followed the directions the rest of the way. When he pulled up to the building, there was an obvious purple glow coming from inside one of the apartments on the sixth floor.

As he looked up at it and parked, he said, "Alright ladies, have fun. Call me when you're ready to be picked up." Katie got out as he pulled Cassie in for a kiss. "I love you, sweetheart. Remember, only a couple of boys tonight." He gave her a wink as she giggled.

"Bye, babe. I'll call you in a couple hours."

Her and Katie walked into the building and made their way to the apartment. Breck let them in with an annoying call for shots, which were immediately shoved into their hands. There were chants all around them to take them. Katie and Cassie clinked their glasses, then downed them.


"Woo!" Cassie loudly cheered as a group of boys set her down from helping do a keg stand. Everyone around her cheered twice as loud.

She stumbled away from the crowd and went into Breck's kitchen to grab some water. She clumsily found an empty red solo cup and filled it up with water from the fridge. She went back out into the main and noisy room.

Just as she sat herself down onto Breck's couch, she heard some commotion at the front door. She drunkenly tried to peer her head around the several bodies blocking her view, but couldn't see anything. She was going to ignore and forget about it until a bunch of the guys started getting rowdy.

Katie had found her and couldn't even produce a single cohesive sentence as she tried to explain to Cassie what was going on. With the help of another one of their classmates, however, it was translated to her that Breck had started a fight with Casey this morning about collecting their security deposit he had neglected to pay before being kicked out. Casey had apparently driven all the way here from his parents to sort it out.

And by sorting it out, he came here to scream at Breck to claim zero responsibility. Thankfully, Cassie could be unseen from Casey's view, but she still felt a roll of panic go through her. She assumes he doesn't know she's here, but she felt inclined to at least hide in case he came inside.

Her and Katie went into the bathroom and locked themselves in.

Katie, on the verge of passing out from so much alcohol consumption, drunkenly pointed to Cassie's phone. "'ou shou'd tell Ben."

Cassie shook her head heavily and slowly. "'E'll jus' worry an' come here."

At one point Katie climbed into the empty bathtub and curled up. She was snoring in just a few short minutes. Cassie did decide to call Ben, but not to tell him about Casey.

"Hey, beautiful," he answered. "You girls ready to be picked up?"

She nodded, but didn't give him an answer.

"Erm...I'm going to assume that's a yes?"

Again, she only nodded. That's when Breck came into the bathroom and loudly announced, "Casey's gone, you girls are in the clear!"

"I'm sorry...what?" Cassie could hear the anger in his voice. "Is that why you called me? Because Casey was there?"

She shook her head. "No, no, nooo. I wasn' gonna tell 'ou...but Kate is sleeping an' I'm very drunk."

He let out a sigh. "Alright, I'll be there in a few minutes. Casey better be gone or I'm going to call the police for violating his restraining order. Are you girls able to meet me outside?"

Cassie flung her head around to look to Katie. She was dead asleep. "Maybeeeeee."

Ben couldn't help the chuckle he gave. "I'll wait outside for two minutes and if you aren't out, I'll come up and get you both. I should be there in...five minutes."

Once again, she gave him a nonverbal confirmation by nodding, then hung up. Breck, who had shut the door and decided to join the girls in isolation said, "Kate can sleep here. She can take my bed and I'll sleep on the blow-up bed in Casey's old room."

Although she was drunk, she was still skeptical leaving her friend alone and vulnerable at a party like this. Breck could see her indecisiveness. "Come on, Cass. I'm sober and I'm kicking everyone out in a few anyways. I'll even lock the door so no one disturbs her."

In the end, Cassie decided against the idea. She just had a gut feeling and knew it was the right call to make sure she was safe above everything. Breck respected her and offered to at least carry her down and wait with them until Ben arrived.

He picked her up easily and walked through the party in his arms. Some guys whistled and made obscene gestures towards Breck. Cassie eyed him as if to say, "told you so".

They didn't have to wait too long for Ben, maybe another minute or two. He pulled up to the curb next to them and immediately hopped out and opened the back door. Breck carefully set Katie in the seat and buckled her in.

Once the door was shut, Ben turned to him. He even stuck out his hand for a handshake. "Thank you for seeing they got down here alright." Breck tried to suppress his proud smile as he shook his hand.

When Ben got back into the car, he couldn't help but laugh when he saw Cassie struggling with her seatbelt. "Here, baby, I've got you." He leaned over and helped her buckle it in. "Did you have a nice time?"

She nodded with a sleepy smile. "Good," he chuckled. He started driving and put his hand on her leg. "Oh, I picked up some food for you girls, but it looks like Katie might be out for the night. Extra for you, then."

He reached into the backseat and pulled out a giant bag of McDonalds. Cassie gasped and anxiously took it. She immediately went for the fries, then opened up the box containing a chicken sandwich. She bit into it and moaned. 

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