Chapter 1

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At the warehouse

Porsche is tie up at the pole.. While Porchay is faint... Then Tawan come near Porchay and kick him.. Porsche then yell.. Enough Tawan! Get away form Porchay your bastard! Tawan smirk and reply... Oh.. You still have a smart mouth didn't you? Tawan keep kicking Porchay.. Then Porsche reply.. You think i come here by myself? Suddenly Vegas come in and punch Tawan face and yell in anger.. What the hell have you done?! Tawan hold his face and reply... Please forgive me Vegas.. Vegas then say.. Because of you.. I didn't get anything back! Vegas then turn to Porsche and say.. Well2... How does it feel when Kinn found out that his personal bodyguard that he trusts the most betray him? Vegas then smirk evilly.. Porsche then say.. Let me go bastard! Kinn didn't do anything wrong! Vegas then reply.. Didn't do anything wrong? We are the minor family! Those dirty family who consider themselves were better! Thats why i hate them all!Vegas then look at Tawan then say.. Goodbye Tawan.. Then shoot Tawan to death.. Suddenly the guns shot rang.. Kim and Big along with Arm come and rescue Porsche but fail... Vegas assistant untie Porsche and take Porsche away... Big then yell Porsche! No! Arm then reply.. Khun Vegas! Come back here! Kim then reply.. Lets go back to the residence.. Thankun Kinn and Pete are waiting.. We will find another way to take Porsche back.. Lets go... Then they return to main family residence...

At Vegas secret room..
Porsche is tie up again... Vegas walk slowly towards Porsche while say... The reason why i kidnapped you.. Is because.. That asshole Kinn.. He always be on top right? Vegas then reply again.. And some of my plans.. Fail because of you... So.. What should I do to punish you hmm....Porsche then shock after he see Vegas take out an eletric stuff and light it up... Porsche then say... Vegas.. Please.. Let me go.. I promise.. I won't appear in front of you again.. Vegas laugh evilly and say.. You think i can trust you.. Vegas then take off Porsche pants until the boxer is left... Vegas then touch Porsche junior with the electric stuff and Porsche yell in pain.. No! Please! Vegas! Vegas kiss Porsche neck and sniff Porsche while kiss his lips and keep doing it... Suddenly Vegas punch Porsche stomach and make Porsche groan in pain.. A few minutes later.. Mr Karn come in and walk towards Vegas.. Vegas then say Father....All of a sudden.. Mr Karn slap Vegas face hard and make Porsche feel shock... Porsche look at Vegas bodyguard and give him a signal to untie him... Vegas assistant slowly untie Porsche... Mr Karn then say.. What a stupid son! I asked you to keep an eye on Porsche! Not to hurt him! Vegas then reply.. I already brought him here Pa! Mr Karn about to slap Vegas again.. Then Porsche yell and hold Karn hand tight and say... Enough! Vegas is your son! How could you treat him like this?! Vegas then cover Porsche and say.. Pa... Don't touch Porsche... Please.. Mr Karn then attack his son... Porsche then punch Mr Karn face... Mr Karn then attack Porsche then until Porsche hit his head at the wall and faint.. Vegas then quickly hold Porsche and say.. No!! Porsche!! Mr Karn then leave them without showing any mercy... Vegas assistant then help Vegas to carry Porsche and put it into Vegas room... Vegas then reply.. You can go now.. Vegas assistant bow and leave...

Meanwhile at main family residence..

Arm Big and Kim returns with Porchay who is still fainted... Thankun run towards them along with his boyfriend Pete... Kinn then come and ask..where the hell is Porsche? Arm then reply.. We are truly sorry Khun Kinn.. But Vegas already took him... Pete then almost fall quickly get hold by his lover... Thankun say.. Shh.. It's ok love.. We will find him.. I promise.. While kiss Pete head... Kinn then scoff...I just consider Porsche as a bodyguard.. Nothing more... Kim then reply.. You put him through hell Kinn.. How could you do this?! Porsche risk his life just to be with you.. What the hell have you done huh?! Kinn roll his eyes and walk away... Kim then curse.. Shit! He just mess around with Porsche all this time! Big then reply.. Porchay still need to rest.. Let me help you Khun Kim.. Kim then nod and let Big help him.. Pete then say.. We need to do something! Khun then reply... Sure.. But we need to make a plan.. I really hope that Porsche is alright.. Godness...Pete hide his face to Khun chest and reply.. I really hope so too..Pete then say.. Porsche is my best friend.. I can't lose him Khun noo.. We can't lose him.. Khun rub Pete back body and take Pete to the room and let Pete to rest..

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