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A few days after Piggy had become Jason, Jason, and Maurice were talking together in the forest, they has been assigned the task of collecting food for the tribe. They couldn't eat pigs all the time so they were sent to collect, fruit, nuts, and other food.

''You'll always be piggy to me'' Maurice said in a nasty tone of voice ''I am not really convinced by this change in you. I mean people don't really change, at least not as drastically as you have. I think you're putting on this act to impress Jack so that the others won't bully you anymore. Sooner or later you'll get tired and slip up and the old, real, Piggy will return''

''Think that you like'' Jason replied ''but I really am Jason, not Piggy. I was always Jason but Jason got lost for a while. Now he is back''

''Yeah yeah, whatever. Piggy''

''Look either call me Jason or don't even bother speaking to me. Do not ever call me Piggy again''

''And what will you do if I call you piggy, Piggy?''

''Punch your lights out, that's what''

''Oh please, spare me the bullshit Piggy. You can't fight me you're not strong enough to take me on. Why don't you go off somewhere and get fat again Piggy?''

Jason lost his temper and attacked Maurice, they began to fight and fell to the ground and wrestled

''I give you credit for having the bottle to try and fight me but now you'll pay for it'' Maurice said but was surprised that Jason was stronger than he thought and they carried on wrestling with no clear winner.

Then Jack and Dani appeared and caught them and split them up

''Fighting really?'' Jack said to them ''you know the rules, there are to be no fights unless Dani or myself give permission for it''

''Sir I'm sorry'' Jason said ''but Maurice insists on calling me Piggy still and tormenting me''

''Is this right?'' Jack asked Maurice, angrily

''Yeah, he'll always be Piggy to me'' Maurice said belligerently

''Ok say sorry to Jason at once and from now on you'll call him Jason, not Piggy''

''I won't say sorry and I won't call him Jason, I will always call him Piggy''

Jack was about to lose his temper ''Maurice I'm warning you, if you don't obey me now you'll be punished. I'm quite willing to thor you in the punishment pit for 6 months if I have to''

Maurice looked shocked and horrified ''six months?'' he cried ''you said the maximum would be 1 month!''

''Jack and I discussed this a few days ago'' the goddess Dani said ''we decided to increase the maximum length of time in the punishment pit to 6 months''

''Would you like to spend 6 months down there Maurice?'' Jack asked calmly, threatening but calm ''I seem to remember you were losing your mind after you spent a month down there, imagine what 6 months might be like?''

Maurice got on his knees in front of Jack and Jason ''Sir I'm sorry I called Jason, Piggy and from now on I will call him Jason and never Piggy and I won't ever torment him again Sir''

Jack was smug, he knew Maurice wanted to be a rebel but when it came to it he was scared of going back into the pit and Jack could always control him in the end

''Good boy you know it makes sense'' 

NOTE - If Piggy being called Jason seems weird to you, you're not alone, it's also weird to me too. I keep typing Piggy and then remembering it's Jason now and changing it.

JACK THE KING (Lord of the Flies reimagined)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon