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Back at camp, Jack ordered some of the boys to tie Roger and guard him and then he ordered Maurice, Liam, Ryan, Darren, and Craig to be brought up from the punishment pit

''I've decided to end your punishment early'' he told them and everyone was surprised ''I propose a clean slate and we move on from the past, how does that sound Maurice?''

Maurice gave Jack a smile ''It sounds great to me'' he said ''we were getting sick of it down there right boys''

''Yes we're glad to be out now Sir'' Craig said

''Yes Sir thanks for doing this'' Liam said

''Of course, I expect you all to behave and no more trying to overthrow me'' Jack told them

''Yes of course Sir''

''It turns out we both had an enemy besides each other'' Jack told Maurice ''I believe it was Roger who pushed you off the cliff. He just tried to kill me and I believe he killed Henry and attacked Dani too''

Everyone gasped in shock

''He tried to kill you, Sir?'' Jason said stunned

''Yes just now he tried to drown me''

Everyone glared angrily at Roger

''And what do you have to say for this outrage?'' Jason demanded ''You tried to kill our king and you need to explain yourself

''Oh shut up Piggy!'' Roger said and rolled his eyes

''Jason not Piggy''

''I don't give a fuck. I wish I could rape and murder your aunty right now Piggy!''

Jason ran at Roger and tried to hit him


Jason was restrained

''Let's not give him the satisfaction of winding any of us up'' Jack insisted ''now we must decide how to punish him  

''I say we kill him its the only way'' Jason said

''I agree the death penalty seems the best punishment'' Maurice said

''Let's put it to the vote'' Jack said ''hands up who thinks Roger deserves the death penalty?''

Every single boy, plus Dani, put their hands up. Not a single person didn't, proving how bloodthirsty they had all become.

''You lot have got it all wrong you know'' Roger said calmly ''I didn't try to kill Maurice or attack Dani or kill Henry. Yes I tried to kill Jack but that's it''

''No one believes you so save your breath'' Jason hissed at him

''I am not afraid of dying'' Roger said with a grin ''In fact, I'm even looking forward to it. I've always been curious to experience it, to know what it is like. I hate this world so I.  won't be sad to leave. If you expect me to cry and beg you'll be disappointed, I am just going to laugh while you kill me''

''Well in that case we'd better make it really painful hadn't we'' Jack said ''so you're going to be burnt alive''

Then Roger's eyes widened in horror for a split second, but he tried to hide it

''Burnt alive?'' He said lamely

''Yes, I might have considered a more merciful method but you wind me up too much so you've earned yourself the most painful'' 

''Well bring it on then!'' Roger said with a smile. But it was bravado, he was really terrified but wouldn't show it. Roger realized now that he couldn't save himself and there was no point trying, Jack wanted him gone regardless of whether he really believe that he had done the things he was accused of. Now that they had kissed and Roger had exposed Jack's secret, that he liked boys, Jack wouldn't want him around in case Dani found out. Jack wasn't about to admit he was bisexual, he was clearly ashamed of it 

''People have always regarded me as a piece of trash to be discarded when they're done with me'' Roger said sadly but still smiling

''Get the fire going and we'll get this over with'' Jack said coldly ''There is little point dragging this out, let's just do it now''

''I'll even keep your secret for you because I love you more than you love me'' Roger said to Jack but Jack refused to look at him 

The sky was lit up by a bonfire that night. The silence was broken by the screams of the boy being burnt to death.

JACK THE KING (Lord of the Flies reimagined)Where stories live. Discover now