Chapter 5 - In balance with nature

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„Do you all want to wait here until this village is also destroyed to the ground?" said a black wolf standing on a wooden box. Some people had gathered around him. Others simply went about their daily business. The war between light and dark magicians had been going on for almost two centuries. Day after day, it took more and more victims. Not only among the magicians, but especially among the non-magicians. More and more mortals joined Satan out of desperation. Gabriel had not created any new white magicians since the creation of the first ones, and he probably would not. „I do not want to join this monster of hell, the devil himself", the wolf continued to speak without interruption. Some people listened to him just for fun, but others were really interested in what the wolf had to propose. Among them was also a young wolf with dark-purple fur and light-green shining eyes. The wolf standing up there was his father. He was sure that he could win the crowd over to his side. „A number of groups have already joined together in the north to live in the forests and search for the magic of nature. We should join them. It is our only chance. The journey is long and will certainly not be without danger, but if we do not find a way to defend ourselves against the magicians, demons and the devil himself, what will happen to us? That is what I ask you! We will either die or become a part of the servants of the Prince of Hell", the black wolf continued again. „As if nature would hold magic for us", someone shouted from the middle of the group. What had the result that everywhere opened a whispering and murmuring. The young wolf stepped next to his father, but he did not stand on the box: „I, Saltus*, believe in the magic of nature. The Druids use their herbs and brew potions for recovery. These only work because they work so closely with nature. Why shouldn't nature have more to offer us. The magicians also get their power only from light and darkness. I am only 13 years old, but I firmly believe that we will find magic, in whatever way it is found." The people slowly spread out and finally only Saltus, his mother and his father were left. Saltus drooped his head: „Sorry father, I was just trying to help." He smiled: „You have done that well. They just can't share our hope. We will leave anyway. In the north, the group will be assisted by four druids who will take care of the health there. If we can make it to them, we'll have the hardest part behind us." „Is it very far there?" Saltus wanted to know. „Yes, that is it, my son. But as long as we have hope, our will will push us forward", he confirmed. They left the very next morning. In an old hay wagon they had stowed food, blankets, clothing, and firewood. Saltus' parents sat in front and would take turns driving the wagon. He, however, sat in the back with the luggage. His father would push the horse and the bumpy ride would begin. As they drove through the village, a few more people watched them go. Saltus wondered what they were thinking. Maybe some of them would follow them, but he was not sure. For the first part of the journey they drove on the main roads. It was easier to get ahead and also nice to meet some other people. „Look there", his mother suddenly cried out, alarmed. His father immediately stopped the car: „Take it easy. Maybe they won't come here at all." Saltus drooped his ears and looked fearfully at the two magicians fighting there. The white magician seemed to be at a disadvantage. He also looked quite badly damaged. „Others will come", he shouted to his enemy. He just laughed and swung his sword out of pure black magic. At first it looked as if nothing had happened at all, but then you could see a cut on his neck. He fell to his knees and then to the side. Saltus, scared, moved back in the wagon, so that he hit the wooden box with the clothes. Now the black magician noticed them and ran up to the family with a sneaky grin on his face. „Run!" Saltus' father shouted and jumped off the wagon to face the magician. „Go Saltus!" his mother shouted, also jumped out of the wagon and ran. Saltus jumped out of the wagon and ran after her. He didn't look back, because it was already clear to him that his father couldn't possibly survive. He was neither a warrior nor had he ever fought in any battles. Saltus would be lucky to escape with his own life. He heard a cry from his father, but he kept running. If he looked back now, it would be all over. Surely he would not be able to take another step, and yet the temptation was so great. Just as he was about to look back, the ground gave way beneath him and he fell into a pit. He hit the bottom of the pit and the earth slid down, covering him. Motionless he remained lying. Maybe he was lucky and the magician would not find him. There was probably no better chance of survival. He shot his eyes and hoped that somehow his mother would also save herself. For hours he stayed down there, silent and motionless. At least he could breathe a little, otherwise he would probably have had to leave his unwanted hiding place sooner. But he listened, heard the wind, the grains of earth moving through it, the grass rustling and nothing else. For a long time, no footsteps could be heard, not the swinging of a sword or even the voice of his mother, who was perhaps looking for him. He did not know if she was still alive. The magician had run past the pit, that he had probably noticed, but what had happened to his mother, he did not know. Had she escaped or would he find her dead body when he climbed up!? He was so afraid to look that he just lay there and did nothing but listen. Time seemed to stand still for him, he had moved a little to get better air. More he had not dared, before the dry mouth and the endless desire for water brought him to slowly sit up. His ears lowered, he lifted himself up, just enough to risk a look. His heart was racing, but he could not see the dark magician anywhere. Another deep breath and he climbed out of the pit. Again he let his eyes wander, no more wagon, no horses far and wide. His mother also seemed to have disappeared, but his father's lifeless body lay on the ground not far from the road. Saltus looked in the direction where the forest lay. He could hide there, maybe his mother had made it there. His hands balled into fists, he walked back to the road. He could never forgive himself for leaving his father behind if he could still be alive. As small as the chance might be. „Father?", Saltus said in a low, croaky voice. His mouth was so dry and the fear of not getting an answer was tightening his throat. Gathering all his courage, he stepped closer. With one hand, Saltus grabbed his father's shoulder and shook him a little: „Father..." Tears came to his eyes and he turned away from the lifeless body. With every second that passed, the realization sank in deeper and the tears in his eyes became more and more. As grief tightened Saltus' throat more and more, he made his way into the forest.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2022 ⏰

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Karasu no shugo tenshi - The Prophecy of Light - Part 1: Heaven and HellWhere stories live. Discover now