Chapter 21.

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Jungkook's POV 

We were laying on the grass, looking up at the beautiful night sky. I decided to hold her hand and she let me, making my heart race so much faster, having her this close is all I ever wanted. 

"So... how did we ended up here exactly?" She asked me as she turned her head to look at me. I was already looking at her, because to be honest, I can't believe the time has come. 

"I know I've made some mistakes throughout my life, but if I'm honest with you, the biggest mistake I made was giving you up." I said as I looked straight at her eyes so she knows I'm serious. "I thought that by pushing you away I wasn't gonna hurt you. I was so wrong, and the worst part was telling you that you couldn't even be friends with the rest of the guys. You've been there for us since the very start, since even before we had in mind that we wanted to be a band." 

She giggles a bit at that, probably remembering all the times we sang together and we never knew we could become a band in the future. "All the emails that you sent me after we stopped talking... I wanted so badly to tell you I felt the same way. And to be honest the one email that I answered you, was the one that hurt me the most. Because I knew or I thought I knew you've moved on." 

"I thought you never read those emails... I honestly wrote them because I needed to get it off my chest. I never thought you actually read them all." She was embarrassed, I can tell. But that is my favorite part of her, how she is always honest with how she's feeling. 

"I'm sorry I made you feel so helpless. I know you are also wondering why I never contacted you again, and well the reason is because I saw that email and I knew you've moved on so I decided to just let you go... now I know it's the biggest mistake I've done." 

I saw her closing her eyes just before I saw a glint of tears trying so hard to stay back and not fall. She tried not to let them fall, but once her eyes closed I saw the tear sliding down her cheek. "Why are you crying?" I asked her as I put my finger slowly in her cheek, wiping her tear away. 

"You have no idea how many times I've imagined this moment." I smile a bit as I saw her opening her eyes again, she was crying because she couldn't believe this was happening. 

"Well... you've always known better than me." I told her which was true, I sometimes wonder if she always truly knew this day would come at some point in our lives. She never gave up on us. 

"I did met someone once, who I thought I was in love with since the moment I saw him." She said and it broke my heart a bit to know that she could've of moved on for real. "However, when he stopped talking to me, guess who I still had on my mind?" I know the answer and I know I was being selfish by feeling proud that it happened. "You." She answered, and I couldn't help but feel butterflies in my stomach. 

"All those concerts I've had, whenever I looked at the crowd I was looking for a familiar face." I told her as I put her hair behind her ear, making her blush. "I always ended up a little sad knowing that you weren't there. It would've been so much more easier going through all of these if I've had the chance to go through it with you." 

She took my hand and put it on her chest, I could feel her heart beating so fast. "This is how you've always made me feel. And even after 5 or more years of not seeing each other, it still beats the same for you." 

"I-I love you Maya. I've always had. I'm sorry if I treated you badly, I'm sorry if I made you feel like you would've never be good enough for me. You've always been good enough, you re even better than enough." She couldn't stop smiling once I told her those words. And I took this opportunity to do something I should've done a long time ago. 

Breaking the distance between us, I pulled her in for a kiss. It was just as I imagined it. So sweet, so simple, but yet so beautiful. Just like she is. She answered to my kiss after a moment of shock, letting her feelings take over. I've never been so happy. 

We separated after what felt like an eternity. Both of us couldn't stop smiling to one another. "I love you too. I always have." 

"I know." I smile at her and she smiled even more if it was possible. This is a moment I don't ever want to forget.  

I won't give up (Completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt