Chapter 24.

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Jungkook's POV 

They had me in a hospital room, telling me that I needed to rest as they put bandages on my arm that was harmed by the accident. 

All I could think about was Maya. They were able to get her out of the car without hurting her more and she made it alive to the hospital. But right now I was feeling numb. 

"Jk?" I heard Jin say to me but I didn't want to talk to anyone. So I didn't answer him. 

He sigh as he just sat down besides me. He wasn't hurt at all. We weren't hurt. 

Maya was. 

How was it possible that we both didn't get hurt but she is dying on another room? That word send shivers down my spine. 

The others came inside the room, all with coffee or some sort of drink in their hands. Hoseok offered me some but when I didn't answered him he stopped asking me. 

"She saved you both." Hoseok finally said, breaking the silence in the room. I look at him surprised that he actually talked about this. 

"Are you serious right now?" I asked him as now I began to feel anger. 

"Just let me explain. Taehyung and I saw how it happened." He said and I tried to calm down but just the thought of Maya sacrificing herself for us made me more angry. Angry at myself. When I didn't say anything else, he continued. "She was able to swerve the car just in time. The car was coming straight towards the front and it would've of hit you and her if she didn't turn the car quickly to her side. She knew Jin was behind you so she knew that if she did that, she would be the only one who got hurt." 

As everyone let that sink in, Jin spoke next "I told Jungkook to just let Maya drive." He said as he looked down at the ground, his eyes watery. "Maybe if I didn't said that and Jungkook kept driving, he would've been able to avoid the crash and maybe even the guy from the truck would be alive." 

"Jin, this is absolutely not your fault-" Namjoon stepped in, trying to maybe bring some hope to the whole situation as he always had tried. But the reality was clear. I should've of stayed in the drivers seat. 

"Maybe if I didn't fell asleep I would've been able to help Maya avoid the crash." I finally said, "I wasn't even that tired, I could've of kept driving." 

"Guys there is no use in thinking of the 'what if'. It happened, and all we can do now is hope that she's gonna be fine." Jimin said, but I just got so irritated by that. I hate it when they are trying to say that nothing is ever as serious as it actually is. This time is different. This is absolutely serious. 

"MAYA IS DYING ON ANOTHER ROOM! HOW CAN YOU SAY THAT WE NEED TO HAVE HOPE NOW?!" I was out of it, I can't take this anymore. 

I stood up from the bed and even though my head hurts, I walked angrily passed all the boys who looked at me and even tried to stop me. "Jungkook where are you going?" Namjoon asked stressed out. 

"I need to be alone!" I said angrily as I got out of the room and went somewhere else in this damn hospital. 


Hoseok's POV 

This was getting out of hand. I wanted to scream too and ask the world why did this had to happen to us. Everything was going great, we finally had everything set and done and we were all on the same page again with Maya after years. 

But nothing can ever lasts. Nothing can ever be that perfect for more than a fucking day. 

None of us knew how to console Jungkook, all that we could do was give him space and wait for some news on Maya's condition. We've been here for hours now, although it felt like days already and they haven't told us anything. 

She was barley breathing when we got to the hospital, making me have less hope. 

"When I called Tori back at the scene she told me she was getting on a plane right away, so she should be here in an hour or so... do any of you want to come with me and pick her up from the airport?" Taehyung asks and I could tell he was afraid of anyone snapping again. I guess it would be good if I got out of here for a few to pick up Tori. 

"I'll come with you." I told him which surprised everyone apparently. 

"Are you sure? Don't you want to stay here in case?" Suga asked. 

"In case of what?" I asked him, I know what he's talking about and I know I just said I had less hope, but still, I don't think it's gonna come to that. 

"Hobi... you know what I mean." 

"And I also know that Maya is stronger than that. I'll come with you Tae." I said as I walked to the door, no one stopped me. Tae nodded as he followed me and we told one of the crew members. 

"You can't go and pick her up, are you crazy?!" Are they serious right now? 

"What? Why not?" Tae was getting angry and I was right with him. 

"It's already on the news that you got into a car accident. They still have no idea how it happened but the media already knows your in a hospital." 

"But WE are not the ones in a critical condition! None of us are!" 

"It doesn't matter! They don't know that! The entrance is crowded because they know you are all here." 

Taehyung was about to snap. I put my hand on his shoulder, telling him silently through my gesture not to snap. I have an idea. 

"Okay, fine, we won't go." I said as I rolled my eyes and tugged Taehyung by his arm and he followed me without saying anything else. 

As we were further away from them, I stopped and so did Tae. "Why did you agree so easily? Do you have a plan?" 

He knows me too well. 

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