Chapter 19.

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Hoseok's POV 

I'm so happy to see Maya happy again. I'm just about to kill Jungkook for what he did. The last time I felt this mad at him it was with the banana incident. At this moment I can't even remember why we fought in the first place, but I knew I was so mad that I threw the banana at him. 

Suga saw how I was acting around him, even if I tried not to make it obvious. He just knows me well, he knows there's something going on because even Jungkook is acting the same as always. I guess I'm just more silence than normal. 

"Who wants to go fishing and who wants to ride bikes?" Namjoon asked. I look at Maya to see what she would say and she said "I would like to ride a bike." She actually got excited. Last thing I knew is that she didn't like it, so it surprised me. 

"I want to ride a bike too." Namjoon said. 

"Me three!" Jimin said and I joined him. 

"Great, I guess Suga, Jungkook and Jin will go fishing?" Jin nodded as well as JK and Suga. 

"What about you Tae?" Jimin asked. 

"I want to go to museums." 

"BORING!" Jungkook said playfully and everyone laughed... except me. 

"Great let's go!" Namjoon said and everyone went to their own groups. I got closer to Maya and we both followed Namjoon and some crew members to the bikes. 

Each one of us go to our bikes and I put on the GPS the closest cafe. Which was about an hour ride. No one minded as we were actually really excited. 

"I'M SO HAPPY!" Namjoon said and it's the most free I've seen him the whole trip and even for a while. He began to sing some songs and Jimin and I followed along. I could see Maya smiling at us but also looking at the sky, which was really clear, it was a beautiful day. 

But she was looking at it with such graceful eyes, like she wouldn't change this moment for anything. "I thought you didn't like to ride bikes." 

"That was ages ago Hobi." She said while laughing a bit. "Since the pandemic I began to like it again and it's been a stress reliever for me ever since." 

"Well I would've known if it wasn't for Jungkook." I murmured because I couldn't help myself. I just feel like I don't know Maya as well as I used to because of him. He ruined our friendship. He made me lose so many years of friendship with her. 

"Hobi-" She was about to say, until Jimin apparently was hearing and was of course confused. 

"What does Jungkook have to do with this?" He asked, and I saw the look in Maya's eyes as she clearly didn't wanted me to tell him. 

But I was so mad, I just wanted someone to be mad at him too. "Don't-" Maya warned me and I saw Namjoon was slowing down, seeing as we were getting distracted with this conversation. 

Sighing I began to ride faster, ignoring Jimin's call. Okay, I won't tell him. So I don't know what Maya will say to him and Namjoon because I'm now sure he also heard the conversation. 

I'm so mad. 


Maya's POV 

Hoseok needs to keep it together. He can't seriously be that mad. It was years ago. 

"Okay, what's going on?" Namjoon asked us as he saw how fast Hoseok began to ride. Actually leaving us behind. 

"I'm not sure I should tell you this..." I said as we decided to stop. We should probably go after Hoseok, but he was going way too fast and we got tired. 

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