Chapter 29

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- a few weeks later -

We were sat at our 18 week scan. We're hoping to know the gender this time.

The nurse starts the ultrasound and shows us our baby. Harrison looks so happy. So does Chris. I am too. So incredibly happy.

"Would you like to know the sex?"

Me: "yes, please"

"It's a girl"

Chris hand grabbed mine as tears rolled down my cheeks. A baby girl. One of each. Our little family.

Chris: "I'm so happy"

Harrison: "dada?"

Chris: "your going to have a little sister, buddy"

Harrison gasps and I chuckle.

Harrison: "a sister!"

We get into the car and I start to cry. Chris' hand grips my thigh and I look at him.

Me: "I'm just so happy"

Chris: "me too, my darling"

I kiss him softly as Scarlett starts to FaceTime us. I answer.

Scar: "hey! How'd the scan go?"

Chris: "amazingly"

Scar: "do you know what your having?"

I nod.

Me: "mhm"

Scar: "tell me!"

Me: "you're gonna have to wait. We're gonna do a gender reveal"

Scar: "pleaseee"

Chris: "nope, sorry scar"

Scar: "fine. Just hurry with the gender reveal"

Me: "alright"

Harrison: "Scar Scar!"

Scar: "hi, little man!"

Harrison: "I miss you"

Scar: "I miss you too, bud. I'll see you soon promise"

Harrison: "pinky!"

Scar: "pinky promise, little man"

Harrison: "yay!"

Scar: "I have to go. I'll see you all soon. Love you all"

Harrison: "bye bye Scar Scar!"

Me and Chris say goodbye and hang up.

- a few weeks later -

I'm stood with Harrison on my hip with Chris at a box ready to open it to reveal that we're having a baby girl.

We open it and white and yellow balloons come out. Everyone stands there confused.

I tell Harrison it's his time to do what we planned.

He bursts the big white ballon and loads of pink confetti and littler pink balloons fall out.

Everyone screams and I see my dad start to cry.

I Kiss Chris and walk over to my dad. He pulls me in for a hug as he cries.

Dad: "a girl!!"

He breaks free of the hug.

Me: "a girl!"

Dad: "I'm so happy. Congratulations, sweetheart"

Me: "thank you, dad"

Scarlett comes running up to me and hugs me tightly.

My girl // Chris Evans Where stories live. Discover now