Chapter 26

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6 months later.

I'm working on a new album. It's pretty much finished. I haven't really left Harrison since the day he was born. He's so adorable. I love him so much. He was definitely worth the wait.

Tonight I have a interview with Jimmy Fallon about my new album. I'm nervous to leave Harrison but I know he'll be okay.

I walked downstairs to Chris and Harrison sat on the sofa

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I walked downstairs to Chris and Harrison sat on the sofa. Chris passed me Haz and I placed him on my hip and swayed with him. I kissed his forehead.

Me: "I'll see you later, little man"

Chris: "you leaving?"

Me: "yeah. I'll see you later, love"

I leaned down and kissed him quickly before passing him Harrison.

Chris: "I'll see you later, baby. You look beautiful"

Me: "thank you, lovie. See you"

I grabbed my bag, phone and keys and walked to the door.

Me: "I love you!"

Chris: "I love you, angel"

I walked out the door and got into my car and drove to the interview. I sat backstage for a little waiting to go on.

Jimmy announced me on. I walked on and hugged him before sitting down.

Jimmy: "it's lovely to see you. Last time you were here you were pregnant. How old is he now?"

Me: "just over 6 months"

Jimmy: "how are you and Chris adjusting to parenthood?"

Me: "okay... it's pretty much all guesswork as you would know"

Jimmy: "yeah I do. Where are they tonight?"

Me: "at home watching from the sofa"

Jimmy: "so your bringing out a new album?"

Me: "yeah it's out in a couple weeks and because your that amazing Jimmy I'm going to perform one of my new songs for you tonight"

Jimmy: "sounds amazing, Arabella! Why don't you go set up"

I nodded and walked over. I picked up my guitar and checked it was all right as Jimmy announced me again.

Jimmy: "this is arabella with 'clean' !"

The audience cheered and I started to play. I finished singing and Jimmy walked back over. He hugged me again.

Jimmy: "that's was wonderful, Arabella!"

Me: "thank you"

Jimmy: "I can't wait to hear the rest of the album when it's out"

Me: "you'll be the first person with a copy don't worry"

Jimmy: "thank you. It was amazing having you hear tonight! See you soon!"

Me: "bye!! See you soon!"

I walked off stage. I grabbed my things and got in my car to head home. I pulled up my driveway and smiled glad I was finally home with my boys.

I walked into the house and saw Chris and Harrison cuddled up on the sofa asleep. I smiled softly.

I grabbed a blanket and placed it over them before kissing both their foreheads.

I went into the kitchen and got a drink. I saw dodger looking at me. I filled up his water bowl and sat down next to him. When he finished he laid down in my lap.

I stroked him as I felt someone sit down behind me. I jumped and turned around to see Chris. I sighed and relaxed back into his chest.

Chris: "sorry, baby"

Me: "it's okay"

Chris: "you were amazing, angel. I love the new song"

Me: "really??"

Chris: "really"

He kissed my nose and I chuckled. I got up slowly and picked Harrison off the sofa and took him to bed. Chris followed me and sat down in the rocking chair as I put him in his cot.

I sat down on Chris' lap as he wrapped his arms around my waist. He nuzzled his head into my neck. He started to place soft kisses on my neck.

Chris: "do you want another baby"

Me: "yeah just not right now, handsome. Haz is only 6 months"

Chris frowned dramatically, pouting his bottom lip.

Chris: "fine"

I chuckled and kissed him.

Me: "we can talk about another baby at Christmas. Okay, my love?"

He face lit up and he pulled me even closer and started to kiss my neck again.

Me: "doesn't mean we can't practice though, baby"

Chris: "oh yeah?"

I got up and walked into our bedroom with Chris following me like a lost puppy. He shut the door and turned around pinning me to the wall with his body.

His hands rested on the wall just above me. His face inches away from mine. He looked me up and down. His hand moved and played with the hem of my tshirt before lifting it off.

He discards my tshirt and connects his lips to mine. My back arches off the wall making our bodies closer. My hands tangle in his hair as his tongue wins for dominance.

His hands grip my back and lift me up and I wrap my legs around his waist. He places me down on the bed and starts to slowly kiss down my neck leaving marks.

Soft moans escaped my lips as he reaches my breasts. His hands travel up my back and unclips my bra. He throws it across the room and starts to kiss down the valley of my breasts.

He kisses all over my breast before taking my nipple in his mouth. He sucks on it causing amazing pleasure. I start to pull on his hair.

Chris: "so perfect" he mumbles.

He swipe his tongue over my nipple as the door swings open making Chris stop his actions. I quickly turn my head and see my dad stood there.

Me: "oh my god! Get out!!"

He quickly shuts the door and Chris picks up my bra and tshirt and passes it to me. I put them on and we walk out.

We go downstairs and see him sat on the sofa.

Me: "hi..."

Dad: "hi. Sorry I should've knocked"

Me: "yeah probably" I chuckled.

Me: "anyway it's happened now. Just forget about it"

Dad: "easier said than done. I just wanted to come see you after your interview. Your new song is amazing"

Me: "thank you"

Dad: "can't wait to hear the rest of the album, sweetheart"

Me: "you'll hear it soon enough"

My girl // Chris Evans Where stories live. Discover now