Chapter 25

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I woke up rubbing my eyes with my hands and dodger laying on my leg. I smiled softly as I turned slightly to face Chris, not wanting to wake dodger up.

I placed a hand on my stomach and just watched Chris sleep, I can't believe how lucky I am.

Chris: "mmmm stop staring"

Me: "what?"

Chris: "your staring"

I buried my head into his shoulder as I started to blush. He started to play with my hair and kissed the top of my head.

Chris: "I think it's cute, princess"

I leaned up and he kissed me. Our baby boy is 3 days late today. I just want to meet him. Why doesn't he want to come out? The frustration must've been obvious on my face.

Chris: "darling?"

Me: "yea?"

Chris: "what's wrong?"

Me: "why doesn't he want to come out!"

Chris: "baby, he'll come out when he's ready to"

Me: "but I just want to meet him!"

Chris: "me too, baby me too"

We got up and started our day. We just lounged around today as we expected our baby boy to be here by now.

I've been feeling pains in my lower back all day since I woke up. They've been getting stronger. I'm sure it's just braxton hicks, I haven't had them yet.

I grasped the bottom of my back as another pain came. I managed my way through it without Chris noticing. I carried on watching Gilmore Girls.

An hour later I felt a gust between my legs. Holy fuck. I think my waters just broke.

Chris: "baby?"

Me: "my-my waters broke"

Chris: "OH MY GOD"

Me: "he's coming, love our baby boy he's coming"

Chris: "wait here!"

Me: "where do you want me to go!?"

Chris: "good point!"

He shouted as he ran upstairs to what I presume is to grab the hospital bag. He rushes back down with the bag and almost trips making me giggle.

Chris: "don't laugh!"

Me: "I'm giving birth to your baby you can't tell me not to laugh!"

Chris: "okay, fine"

Chris helped me up and we got into the car and started driving to the hospital. I messaged the group chat letting them know I'm in labour.

/ a few hours later \

The nurse just finished checking how many centimetres I am dilated. Turns out I've been in labour all day. I'm 7cm dilated already. I just can't wait to meet our baby boy.

My dad walked in covering his eyes.

Dad: "can I open my eyes?"

Me: "yea you can" I chuckle.

Dad: "how much longer?"

Me: "I'm 7cm so not much longer."

He groans.

Me: "you asked!?"

Dad: "I regret it! How are you feeling, sweetheart?"

Me: "terrific just getting ready to do a couple backflips"

My girl // Chris Evans Where stories live. Discover now