Chapter 24

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When we got back to La I had a interview with Ellen, this would be one of my last interviews before our baby boy is here. Ellen announced me and I walked on.

We chatted a little and then Ellen wanted to play "burning questions" with me. She told me the rules and we started to play.

Ellen: "I'm here with Arabella Evans, and we're going to play a round of burning questions, are you ready?"

Me: "I think so"

Ellen: "good. What's one thing you couldn't live without?"

Me: "uhhh... probably books"

Ellen: "oh, really? Not Chris?"

Me: "well, he's a close second"

Ellen: "okay then, who was your childhood crush?"

Me: "I say a different person every time. Umm I'm going to say Johnny depp"

Ellen: "what's your favourite song you've written?"

Me: "uhh 'blessing'"

Ellen: "who's your celebrity crush at the moment"

Me: "my husband"

Ellen: "what's the scariest thing you've ever done?"

Me: "a Halloween maze, I hate clowns"

Ellen: "oh god. Name three things you forget when you leave the house?"

Me: "my keys, my charger and my husband"

Ellen started to laugh.

Me: "but I always remember a book everywhere I go"

Ellen: "what's your most popular craving since you've being pregnant?"

Me: "my husband"

Ellen started laughing a lot. I started to laugh a little too.

Ellen: "what's your favourite body part of your spouse?"

Me: "his arms"

Ellen: "is it really?"

Me: "you'll never know"

Ellen: "what's his worse habit?"

Me: "Leaving crumbs in my car"

Ellen: "really?"

Me: "yes, every time"

Ellen: "what's the most rebellious thing you done as a kid?"

Me: "moved to London at 15 by myself"

Ellen: "what's one thing most people don't know about you?"

Me: "I have an a level in biology"

Ellen: "really?"

Me: "yeah I did it on online school"

Ellen: "what are three things you'd take with you if you were stranded on a desert island?"

Me: "my family, food and matches"

Ellen: "if you weren't a singer or designer what would you be?"

Me: "uh probably a teacher or midwife"

Ellen: "last one, Chris Pine, Chris Pratt or Chris Hemsworth?"

Me: "Chris Martin"

Ellen started laughing hysterically. We moved back over to the sofa and started to talk again.

Ellen: "let's talk about your pregnancy"

Me: "okay, sure"

Ellen: "was the baby planned? I mean you are young"

Me: "uhm yea he was planned, we were trying for over two years"

Ellen: "really?! Surely you being what? 25? You'd be able to get pregnant easily?"

Me: "just because I'm 'young' doesn't mean I get pregnant quickly"

I tried my hardest to hold back my tears. I just wanted to go home at this point. It went to break and I walked off stage. I was meant to sing after the break but I couldn't face it.

I went backstage and just walked out the building, getting into my car. I started to ring Chris as tears ran down my cheeks.

Chris: "hey, baby! Finished the interview?"

Me: "ch-Chris"

Chris: "angel? What happened? Talk to me, darling"

Me: "Ellen she- she asked a question and"

Chris: "what was it, princess?"

Me: "we were talking about my pregnancy and she asked if he was planned and said that cause I'm 'young' she expected me to get pregnant easily and basically hinted that he was an accident"

Chris: "oh, angel. I'm so sorry, are you in the car on the way home? I just want to hug you"

Me: "I'm on my way home"

Chris: "what else happened after she said that?"

Me: "we went to break and I was meant to sing but I can't- I couldn't so I just left"

Chris: "I'm sorry, princess. Is there anything I can do for you"

Me: "just cuddle me when I'm home"

Chris: "of course, baby"

Me: "I love you"

Chris: "I love you, darling."

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