Book 3: Chapter #4

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Y/N arrived at the park where Wanda was waiting for him, he sat down next to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek, she smiled at him and gave him a peck on the lips, she handed Y/N the container with his haloumi fries.

"I love you. I hope you know that." Y/N said as Wanda smiled at him.

"I know. I love you too." Wanda said as Y/N brushed a strand of her amber hair out of her eye and tucked it behind her ear. 

"Wanda, what happened when you shot yourself?" Y/N asked as Wanda looked at him.


"There's something that I need to know. Did you experience anything weird when it happened? Please, I just, I need to know." Y/N said as Wanda thought back to her suicide.

"I was crying, I pulled the gun out and pressed the barrel against my right temple, and pulled the trigger, I got a brief glimpse of something red, same colour as my powers, but that was all, then I woke up here and found you." Wanda explained as Y/N thought about something.

"I think something caused this place, and something is linking your powers with this place, most of the people here go about their daily routines like it's pre-programmed, like NPC's in a video game. they never diverge from it, not once have I seen anyone diverge from that routine, it's like there's a hex on everyone in the town." Y/N surmised as Wanda looked at him.

"Wait, are you saying that I did this?" Wanda asked looking at Y/N with an offended look.

"Not knowingly, I'm saying someone has found a way to use your power, someone controlled your power through you to make you do this, to brainwash an entire town." Y/N said as Wanda looked shocked by his words.

"So, what are you suggesting? We just look for a way to close down the hex entirely, forget everything that happened here, write it off as fake? We can live here without having to fight anymore

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"So, what are you suggesting? We just look for a way to close down the hex entirely, forget everything that happened here, write it off as fake? We can live here without having to fight anymore."

"Wanda, I want that more than anything, believe me, but I don't want to torture people just for our own joy. We have to stop this Hex, we have to find a way to do so and find who manipulated you into this, because I know for a fact that you didn't do this. Ross is looking for you and my guess is that he blames you, AKA, he could order that you're killed any minute and a team of SEALs find their way into the Hex, if that happens, I can't protect you Wanda, I can't fight them."

"What are you talking about, you're a super soldier that has fought Thanos in hand to hand and nearly won, some soldiers should be easy-"

"I've lost my abilities, my mutations and augmentations are gone, the training is useless, it was meant for someone with super abilities, super reflexes. I'm just a normal human again Wanda." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him.

"You mean-"

"All of my skills are gone. I'm not a superhero anymore." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him and put her hand on his.

"Y/N, please, we- we can find a way to free everyone from the Hex stop whoever it was that did this to me, but we can keep this paradise to ourselves, we can still stay here. We don't ever have to go back to that life." Wanda proposed as Y/N looked her in the eyes. "We can keep the illusion for just ourselves, no townspeople being held hostage, none of that just us in peace. If this place goes, it could take you with it. I can't lose you again, please, just think about it."

Before Y/N could respond they heard something over their shoulders.

"Wanda Maximoff, you are under arrest for the theft of Y/N Romanoff's body." A DODC soldier said as Y/N stood up and punched them it barely hurt the soldier who attached a power restraint collar on Wanda, another two soldiers grabbed Y/N as they heard the tapping of a cane on the floor. Y/N turned to see Ross walking towards them.

"Leave her alone!" Y/N yelled as Ross smiled.

"She will be alone on the RAFT. She's taken the entire town hostage and stole your body from the DODC."

"She didn't take the town hostage, someone else is using her power against her and the town. She tried to kill herself and woke up in Westview, until recently we thought this place was the afterlife." Y/N explained as Ross looked him in the eyes.

"He's telling the truth, let him go, keep hold of Maximoff. You have a week to prove it, or next time you won't get a chance, bring her in."

"You take her away and you can kiss that proof goodbye. Wanda is the key to finding out who the fuck manipulated her into this place, who's using her powers against her. I need her here, unless you'd rather everyone dies from being brainwashed to death slowly and painfully because I'm certain that's what will happen when you take her too far away from the Hex. Now, let her go." Y/N said as Wanda looked at him, nearby Natasha and Steve where watching a powerless Y/N standing against Ross and his authority in the DODC.

"Fine, first, prove to me you can get the real culprit, do you have a lead."

"No, but I think I know how to get one, now take the collar off my Girlfriend," Y/N said sternly. Ross followed his orders and Wanda approached Y/N. "Now, get the fuck out of this town and let me work."

"Let's move out. Just remember Romanoff, if you're lying, or if you fail me, try to con me in any way, I will make your life and the life of your pretty little witch friend there a living nightmare." Ross threatened as Y/N smiled and walked up to the Secretary of State.

"I've already been through a living nightmare, two at the same time, and both nightmares spat me back out, so, if you think you've got the balls to try and achieve what Thanos and the entire Covenant tried, you go right ahead, you can serve as a reminder to them in the after life, but for now. Fuck. Off." Y/N whispered into Ross' ear before walking back to Wanda and leaving with her, heading back to their home to begin their hunt...

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