Book 4: Chapter #1

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Y/N was sitting in the compound waiting for the team to get home so that he could ask them for help. His leg was tapping the floor with his foot while he waited, his mind was telling him to forget the wait and go to the sanctum and get answers, either the easy way or the hard way. His pregnant girlfriend had been kidnapped and he was going to find out why she was taken and where she was taken to, then he was going to free her and kill anyone involved in her kidnapping.

As he sat there running through the events over and over Y/N was starting to listen to his inner thoughts, considering just getting a crowbar or golf club, walking to the sanctum and getting answers, whether that was before or after he brained someone was up to the wizards and witches who lived there.

The silence was broken by the compound doors opening and the rest of the team being wheeled in on emergency life support. Y/N watched as they were all wheeled past him and into the medical rooms. Hill and Fury arrived behind them and Y/N turned to look at them and then he saw red at the sight of who was behind them.

"Did you do this ross?" Y/N asked coldly as Ross shook his head.

"No, We found them they washed up on the shore an hour ago, plane crash, someone attacked the plane. Someone else was hurt." Ross said as Y/N looked, he saw Morgan and Pepper being wheeled in. Y/N could feel his anger clawing, Fury turned and nodded to Ross.

"We'll handle it from here Mr Secretary." Fury said as Ross stood static.

"I'm not going anywhere-"

"Unless you want a pissed off Y/N losing his  shit with you, I recommend that you get your motherfuckin ass out of here!" Fury said as Ross saw the seriousness in Fury's eye and all over Hill's face. Ross walked away, knowing he didn't want to be there. "Come on kid, talk and walk."

Y/N walked alongside Fury and Hill, listening to them explain the situation, about how they found to scorch marks on the side of the plane, like two laser eyes had cut it up. Hill showed a video on the camera, the Avengers were recording the party for blackmail on one another and one of them caught a video of the culprit. 

"FRIDAY, enhance that, see if you can get me a culprit. I need to talk to Strange later." Y/N said calmly as Hill looked at him.

"Why? surely this takes precedent." Hill said as Y/N looked at her.

"Wanda was kidnapped by someone from the Sanctum, I'm gonna go and get some answers and then I'm going to brain the bastards responsible for this and for kidnapping her." Y/N said as Hill and Fury felt a shiver run down their spines, they knew that a pissed off Romanoff is terrifying for anyone, especially if it was something like this.

"Fine, but let us see if we can get some people together-"

"I'm doing this myself." Y/N said coldly as he walked to the small window looking in to Natasha's medical room, he saw his mother being treated for multiple severe injuries and something in him snapped, he was going to show no mercy to anyone involved in this, he was going to hunt down every last person associated with causing this and he was going to destroy them and everyone they loved.

Y/N stormed off and got changed into his long black over coat, dark navy blue shirt, a pair of black jeans, and black combat boots. He stepped into the garage and put a rifle into the boot along with his crowbar on the passenger seat. As he drove away in the car Hill turned to Fury who was smirking. To him, Natasha was like a daughter, she was alongside Hill in the running for his successor to SHIELD, and he knew for sure that Y/N was on a warpath that would lead to the death of anyone involved with Wanda's disappearance or the plane crash.

"Sir? What do you think is gonna happen?"

"I think that both Wanda's kidnapping and the crash are linked, carried out by some sort of group...and I think they just chose the worst person in the world to piss off. I'm not scared of much Hill, alien armies, HYDRA, Red Room, DODC, bring them all on...but a pissed off Romanoff, especially that pissed off Romanoff, that I'd be scared of." Fury said as Hill looked back to the medical room at Natasha.

As Y/N arrived at the Sanctum he walked up to the door and opened it, he walked in and closed it behind him, locking it. He was welcomed by Strange who looked at him and saw the crowbar in his hand, immediately Strange had a foreboding sense of dread.

"Y/N, something I you with?" Strange asked, trying not to show his fear. Y/N pulled out a photo and handed it to Strange.

"Who is he?" Y/N said bluntly, Strange looked shocked at the photo.

"When was this photo taken?"

"Six hours ago, now answer the question before I fuck up your hands so badly the magic won't even be able to repair them." Y/N growled as he glared at Strange.

"His name is Baron Mordo, he's been dead since 2016. I killed him myself." Strange said as Y/N looked blankly.

"Well, this cunt doesn't look to bad for a fuckin corpse now does he?" Y/N said as Strange looked to him.

"Why are you looking for him?" Strange said slightly less scared.

"He kidnapped Wanda and might have something to do with hurting the rest of the team." Y/N said coldly. Strange had a thought to himself as he walked towards Y/N whose grip on the crowbar tightened.

"What do you know about...the Multiverse?" Strange asked as Y/N looked at him.

"Parker has his theories. Are you suggesting that this cunt is from another universe?" Y/N asked as Strange looked at him and nodded.

"Come with me." Strange said as he guided Y/N into a room where they saw a young girl wearing a denim jacket with the American flag on it.

"Hi. I'm America Chavez..."


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